Eyes besides being one of our most cherished organs since they provide us with sight, they are also one of our most sensitive organs. The health of our eyes may be jeopardized by many infections, different diseases or injuries. Most commonly, the symptom of something being wrong with our eyes is the redness or simply swollen blood vessels within.
The reasons behind the unnatural redness of our eyes may be several, some more serious than the others. Nevertheless, there are numerous things you can do at the comfort of your home which may help you deal with this fit.
First of all as it is the case with most swellings apply cold compressions. You might use ice cubes wrapped in a piece of cloth or simply a wet, cold cloth. Apply it on your eyelids at it may do away with the redness taking into concern that the cold exposure should not last longer than five minutes.
Secondly, frequent exposure of your face to cold water splashes is known to be a successful remedy, especially if the redness is caused by an allergic reaction.
As far as plants, herbs or products made from them are concerned, there are many which can be helpful. Sliced cucumbers placed on the eyelids is an old recipe known to reduce the swelling of the blood vessels thus reducing or removing the redness as well. If applied several times a day, rose water has a very similar effect to that of cucumber. Another alternative, equally or even more effective is placing green tea bags on the eyelids. This procedure is more effective than those previously mentioned since green tea reduces the swelling and possible irritations along with the size of the blood vessels.
There are more natural cures for this condition and one of them are fennel seeds. After being boiled, the solution should be left to cool itself and afterwards applied through face splashing.
Honey and black pepper powder provide a strange combination but are rather effective cure for this purpose. Mixed together, they are applied to the red eye or eyes and later washed away, after couple of minutes.
As mentioned before, water is a very important cure for the eye redness. Cotton soaked in cold water can be enough to treat this. Also, drinking water regularly may do away with the redness since one of the causes of it may be dehydration.
Certainly, there are plenty more home remedies you can find, but these mentioned above will perfectly serve as a first aid kit when it comes to treating red eyes.
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