Dysmenorrhoea is the medical term for the pain in the uterus during the periods (menstruation), which affects a big number of women worldwide and nowadays. This pain is usually felt as the cramps but it can be also stabbing, burning or causing nausea. It occurs when the prostaglandis cells (which can act similarly to the hormones) accumulate on the membrane of the uterus thus leading to the contraction of this organ.
Along with the pain, which is sometimes felt even before the menstrual period, there are more symptoms that characterize this condition, and those are the swollen abdomen, the sense of the tenderness of the breasts and somewhat more frequent urination. But the psychological symptoms are usually included too. For example, some women are prone to feel hopeless and irritated.
The causes that can lead to this condition are various. Most commonly, the cause is directly linked to the anatomical problem or some condition of the uterus. For instance, the women whose uterus or pelvic are somewhat unusually placed are more likely to be affected by dysmenorrhoea. The ones with the conditions related to the genital problems, such as the benign and malignant tumors of that area, the polyps on the endometrium, the abnormal growth of the endometrial tissue (endometriosis), and similar conditions are more prone to suffer from the painful menstruations.
Also, dysmenorrhoea is more likely to affect the women who are less than twenty years old those whose uterus scavenges more blood than usual and those who haven’t been mothers yet.
So, when it comes to the treatment, nowadays women mostly rely on the painkillers, bought over-the-counter. Also, there is a large usage of the orally consumed contraceptives and the medications which reduce the inflammatory processes for treating this condition. But there is also a more natural way of dealing with the dysmenorrhoea, and that is with the homemade remedies.
The at-home treatment includes the activities which are focused on warming up the area, both, from the inside and the outside. Those activities could be, for example, holding something warm or hot on the area of the lower part of the abdomen, taking a warm shower or bath (one could add a little bit of clary sage when bathing) and drinking the teas made from ginger or chamomile.
Also, it is very important to point out that the consumption of the caffeine, sodas, teas, spices and chocolate is to be avoided and the foods rich in minerals and vitamins the fresh groceries and the whole grains should be eaten. The activities which are very beneficial for this condition are different exercises and the sexual intercourse as well.
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