Headaches that accompany high blood pressure
Very frequently those who suffer from hypertensionexperience headaches, which are sometimes severe. Most commonly, tensionheadaches and severe morning headaches are associated with high blood pressure.According to the scientist, the main reason for this lies in the constrictionof the blood vessels in the skull due to the elevated blood pressure. However,it is well known that stress plays an important role in inducing tensionheadaches, which means that high blood pressure is only a contributing factorand not the main culprit. On the other side, severe morning headaches are morethan common in those who suffer from high blood pressure, but the main culpritsfor their presence are insufficient sleep, stress and sleeping in improper position.Besides, alcoholism and depression are closely related to the morningheadaches, as well as high blood pressure, meaning that they all practicallygo hand in hand regardless of the cause.
Cluster headaches are also associated with high bloodpressure, but only in the way that this problem can additionally aggravate them,because they occur for a number of reasons and high blood pressure is not oneof them.
What can be done to ease the pressure?
First of all, if a person already has hypertension, then theprescribed medications need to be taken on regular basis. Prescribed medicationsare usually either calcium channel blockers or beta-blockers, since they areeffective and helpful for both of the problems.
If headaches occur despite the fact that the medications arebeing used as prescribed, then all that the person who experiences them is leftwith refers to some self-care methods, because the real medication for suchheadaches does not really exist. Some medications that can be obtained over thecounter might help in certain cases, and ibuprofen and Aspirin are some of them. However,the person has to make sure that the allowed dosage is not exceeded in order toavoid consequences of overuse. Aside from this, the person should try to get somerest, although it is rarely possible. Still, a quiet and darkened room mightprovide some relief. What many people say that helps in such situations ishaving a cool towel on the head, but it might not help everyone.
Whatever the person chooses to try out, it is important tobear in mind that plenty of fluid is necessary in order to avoid dehydration,as well as regular measurement of blood pressure, in order to seek medical helpif it continues to rise.
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