Blood Pressure
When measuring blood pressure there are the two numbers. The higheris called systolic and the lower number is diastolic pressure. Systolic is thepressure of the blood pumped out from the heart and diastolic pressure is theblood pressure when the heart is at rest between two heartbeats.
Normal and healthy blood pressure is considered to be 120/80mmHg, or the pressure slightly lower than these values. Everything above 120/80is considered pre-hypertension condition or hypertension (high blood pressure).As heightened diastolic blood pressure doctors consider everything above 100 mmHg.High blood pressure must be treated, because it represents serious health risk.Untreated hypertension might lead to a heart attack and stroke.
There are several different reasons why you could have highdiastolic pressure. The risk factors are: smoking, obesity, alcoholism, high bloodcholesterol or some other medical conditions.
High Diastolic Blood Pressure Treatment
Several medications are used to control and lower high bloodpressure. Doctors often recommend: calcium channel blockers, ACE (angiotensinconverting enzyme) inhibitors, beta blockers, alpha blockers or diuretics. In mostcases a patient will be prescribed a combination of these drugs to treathis/her heightened diastolic blood pressure.
Natural methods to lower high diastolic blood pressure arealso available and many people decide to try these, along the medications. Maintaininghealthy weight and lifestyle seems to be of utmost importance to maintain bloodpressure at a normal level.
Patients are advised to eat healthy and use plenty of fresh fruitsand vegetables. It is good to use whole grain food and dairy products low infat. Drinking plenty of water is also very important for diastolic hypertensionpatients. Doctors often recommend reducing the intake of sodium, through thefood. Processed, junk and fried food usually contains plenty of sodium,cholesterol and saturated fat and thus patients should avoid it.
Maintaining the optimal and healthy weight must also be onthe list of things to do when you suffer from diastolic hypertension. Proper lowcalorie dieting and regular exercise will help you regulate your weight andblood pressure at the same time.
Regular exercise will also be beneficial. Try to be activeat least for a half an hour every day and it will lower your blood pressure.Recommended exercises are walking, jogging or swimming.
Stress can also raise significantly your diastolic bloodpressure. Avoid unnecessary stress and focus on positive things. Meditation andyoga might be very helpful in managing stress in your life.
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