Role of Handing Down the Tradition
For ages, women have been more prone than men on finding out the secrets that herbs hold. And by handing down their knowledge from one generation of women to another, they have been able to preserve their acquired knowledge and herbal expertise up to this day. All herbs are generally divided into two distinct groups, that being the phytoprogesteronic and phytoestrogenic. This division is in direct relation to some of the general properties of the herbs in question. That is to say certain herbs are characterized by structure resembling the hormone estrogen, while others are characterized by the structure more similar to progesterone, and their primary potential lies in the ability to take up the position in the body which is usually reserved for the above mentioned hormones, and thus serve as “compensation” if needed. It can also serve as means for reducing and raising the hormonal levels.
Aiding Herbs
Black Cohosh – this herb is a member of the family known as Ranunculaceae, for those more keen and more familiar with the traditional herbal medicine. The most frequently used part of this herb in medicine and for related purposes is the root, which is known to have properties that enable it to release tension from nerves and muscles. This herb is also a member of the phytoestrogen herbal group and is endowed with moderate characteristics estrogenic in nature. Other health benefits include alleviating irritation and congestion in uterine, vaginal tissue and also in the cervix. It is also extremely effective in ameliorating and easing headache, edema and hot flashes, as well as in averting the organs from changing their initial position by downward movement.
Dandelion Root – this herb belongs to the family of Asteraceae and is known to be immensely effective in boosting liver mechanisms and its functioning. It does so by means of increasing and initiating additional production of the bile and diminishing the quantity of triglycerides, i.e. one variant of fat. Another part of dandelion that has numerous health benefits is the leaf, which serves as a quite effective diuretic and is known to ease the retention of the fluids directly related to PMS.
Dong Quai – this herb belongs to the widespread family of Apiaceae (aromatic plants family) and is extremely rich in vitamin E. It has a lot of benefits; it fulfills the function of a blood purifier and it is also an anticoagulant and antispasmodic, but, it can also be used as a blood tonic and muscle tension reliever. In women, it is effective in menstrual cycle regulation, cramps alleviation and in balancing emotional state.
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