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Chinese herbal medicine is a major part of traditional Chinese medicine and it particularly focuses on the kidneys. Chinese regard the kidneys as very important organs and even consider them the key of life. The kidneys have very important role in the body that encompass urinary function, reproductive function, maintaining the bones strong and water metabolism control. Men with kidney problems can experience sexual dysfunction, chronic fatigue, lower body weakness, pain in the lower back, urinary disturbances and reduced hearing. Chinese herbs are used for improving kidney function. They can increase the energy, or tonify the kidneys as well as give them strength.

There are several Chinese herbs commonly used for boosting the kidney health. They include:

Ho Shou Wu

Ho Shou Wu also known as polygonum multiflorum has been used in Chinese herbal medicine for hundreds of years. It has been mainly utilized due to its anti-aging properties. This herb has the ability to enhance the energy and it benefits reproductive function. It is also used to cleanse and strengthen the kidneys, prevent graying and loss of hair, lowering cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and thwart atherosclerosis. Since, this herb is hard to digest, onions, garlic and chives should not be consumed while using Ho Shou Wu.


Cistanche is used in traditional Chinese medicine mainly to improve kidney health and replenish the blood. This herb can also help in treatment of incontinence, posturinary dripping, lower back pain, impotence, premature ejaculation and even infertility. Cistanche is warm, tonifying herb and it is commonly taken in the form of tea. Broomrape, also known as Materia Medica, is a Chinese herbal formula that incorporates Cistanche.

Yin Yang Huo

Yin Yang Huo is also called Epimedium and Horny Goat Weed. This herb is the most known for its aphrodisiac qualities. However, it can be also used for treatment of many health conditions. The herb can regulate the levels of thyroid hormone, reduce blood pressure and prevent osteoporosis. Additionally, Yin Yang Hou can treat the urinary deficiency that is caused by weak kidney function.


This Chinese herb has been used for thousands of years to improve overall health. Ginseng is known to be an adaptogen and it is excellent remedy for lowering cholesterol, improving blood circulation and increasing energy and endurance. It can cure impotence, senility, arthritis as well as restore the kidney’s health. The herb can alleviate stress related to kidney deficiency and deal with minor stomach ailments.

In Asia, and increasingly worldwide, herbal medicines based on traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) theory are commonly applied to prevent chronic kidney disease (CKD) progression and ameliorate the side effects resulting from CKD. Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) has a history extending back thousands of years. Its theoretical system, clearly different from conventional medicine, is based on the differentiation of syndromes and patterns. The prescriptions are structured individually according to patients’ constitution and diseases progression. Indeed, the clinical practices of CHM are complicated, and as such cannot be discussed simply in terms of a fixed formula.
  • CHM is the most common form of both alternative and complementary medicine in Asia. As such, patients often turn to CHM to manage health complications when they are not satisfied with conventional therapy, and CKD patients are no exception. However, recent studies have indicated that some Chinese herbs which contain aristolochic acid (AA) can be associated with renal damage and urinary tract cancer.
  • The analysis of patient demographic characteristics showed that none of sex, age, job type, or residential area indicated special preference to CHM usage in patients with CKD. Furthermore, comorbidities associated with hypertension, ileal conduit, and neurogenic bladder showed no significant differences between the two cohorts. However, diabetes and urinary tract infection showed lower ratios in the CHM group, indicating that CHM might play an essential role in reducing the risk of renal deterioration in type 2 diabetes, as well as urinary tract infection.
  • The network analyses revealed that Ji-Sheng-Shen-Qi-Wan (JSSQW) was the most popular formula prescribed in clinical practice. JSSQW is a derivative formula of Liu-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan (LWDHW). In fact, LWDHW, the 4th of the 10 most commonly prescribed formulas, and its derivative formulas, are frequently prescribed for patients with CKD. In addition to JSSQW, Ba-Wei-Di-Huang-Wan (BWDHW) and Zhi-Bai-Di-Huang-Wan (ZBDHW) are formulas both derived from LWDHW. Thus, LWDHW should in effect be considered the most popular formula prescribed for CKD patients. According to TCM theory, LWDHW is the fundamental formula to tonify the kidneys.
  • The three most frequently used single herbs, Salvia miltiorrhiza Bunge (SM), Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch.) Bunge (AM) and Rheum officinale Baill. (RO), when joined with JSSQW are all considered as renoprotective CHM.

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