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The seriousness of memory loss depends on the underlying cause triggering this health issue. Subsequently, treatment methods may vary, again according to the trigger of memory loss in the patient. Memory loss is also called amnesia, being a state where a person is incapable of recalling events he/she previously took part in.

Characteristics of Amnesia

Simply, amnesia is a state of serious forgetfulness which can result in either temporary or permanent memory loss. Also, the condition may impact a person's life gradually, becoming more and more severe, or it can take place abruptly, resulting in instant state of amnesia. Usually, this level of forgetfulness comes with age, even though it may also affect younger individuals. Fortunately, learning new things may be impossible if you have suffered from memory loss.

Signs of Memory Loss

Main signs of memory loss may involve asking about the same piece of information repeatedly, being unable to find proper words for expressing your feelings and thoughts or being incapable of performing certain actions due to inability to remember how to do something that you have done countless times in the past. Additionally, talking about inappropriate subjects or picking awkward subjects for conversation, losing or misplacing items and belongings and behaving strangely in certain situations are all signs of memory loss.

Treatment for Memory Loss

Memory loss is commonly treated with medications. Basically, there are numerous different kinds of drugs which can help people suffering from amnesia. Tacrine, Donepezil, Rivastigmine, Memantine, Nootropics, Reminyl, Neo-tropine, Eldepryl and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications as well as intravenous immunoglobulin can help. Additionally, ginkgo biloba, B-secretase inhibitors, vitamin B supplements, calcium channel blockers, cholesterol-lowering drugs and many other medications may be more than useful for preventing and treating memory loss.

Apart from medications, memory exercise may help greatly. Leading a life full of fixed-scheduled events, routes and obligations will provide your brain with adequate exercise which improves memory. Alternatively, writing information down will stimulate recalling as well.

Food and lifestyle can make all the difference too. Having a diet rich in antioxidants can improve memory significantly. Thus, include plums, red grapes, blueberries, blackberries, cranberries, strawberries, raspberries, broccoli, onions, brussels sprouts, alfalfa into your daily meals. You can also benefit from vitamin B-rich food and omega3 fatty acids found predominantly in fish oil.

Ultimately, you are advised to lead a life free of stress and concentrate on training your brain to preserve memories and recall them without problems. Abstaining from smoking and alcohol can certainly prove to be a useful step.

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