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Heat Rashes and Babies

Heat rash is a condition mostlyaffecting babies and their skin. Namely, these take place during thehottest months of the year and usually start appearing on the neck ofthe child, progressing all over the body if left untreated. Heatrash looks like small bumps which are red and irritable. However,later, when they dry out, they are prone to discoloration, being darkand looking different. These rashes usually strike places which aretightly covered with clothes, because, there, the pores are blockedand the baby's skin cannot breathe correctly. Due to the irritationand the discomfort it causes to your baby, a heat rash is to betreated as soon as possible.

How to Treat a Heat Rash

Once your baby starts showing thesymptoms of a heat rash, you are to wash him/her in cool water. Sinceheat can only make things worse, do not use it. Immerse the wholebody of the baby in the water, covering all the parts of the rash. Dothis quickly and there is a high likelihood that the rash will begone.

Next, proper hydration is a must since,due to the excessive heat, the baby has lost a lot of water. Also,while bathing the baby, you might add 2 teaspoons of baking soda tothe water, making it better for treating the heat rash anddisinfecting this area.

Since, as mentioned above, clothing isknown to cause a lot of trouble during this time, it is best to usecotton clothing for your child since this fabric is known to be theleast capable of triggering irritations on your baby's skin and,moreover, this material allows the skin to perspire properly.Additionally, during the heat rash, you are best to use cottondiapers for your baby, for the same reasons. Alternatively, you mighteven keep the baby wrapped in cotton towels. Then, you might applycold compress by wrapping ice in a towel and placing it onto the heatrash.

Finally, provide a cool atmosphere foryour baby to recuperate in. Set the air conditioning to cool and makesure the baby's room is cool most of the time. However, do not gooverboard and make the room and the baby cold, since this can bequite counter-productive.

These steps are likely to help you getrid of your baby's heat rash. However, if you want to try othermethods of treatment, you are highly advised to seek medical advicebeforehand.

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