Introduction to baby face rashBabies have very sensitive skin, therefore, they a prone to getting some kind of rash a lot of the time, either on the face or other parts of the body.
Not only is the baby’s skin very sensitive, but its immune system is also fairly week and underdeveloped.
Usually baby face rashes manifest right after birth or within the first several weeks, however there are ways to get rid of the baby’s rash and make the skin soft again.
There are various different conditions that can lead to some kind of rash developing on a baby’s face. Sometimes, it is a condition that is called baby acne, which usually affects babies that are three weeks old, or eczema, which affects one-month old babies usually.
Other potential causes for these unsightly blemishes on a baby’s face are heat rashes, hives and rubella.
Milia is another skin condition, and when a baby has this, it develops small white and yellow bumps on the skin, usually on the cheeks, nose and chin.
Sometimes babies can have cold sores as well, which will result in a rash at times as well.
Rashes come in all kinds of different forms, sometimes they can be flat, but other times the rash will be raised.
Some doctors believe that certain types of baby formula can trigger rashes and outbreaks on the baby’s face, The rashes can be very itchy and bothersome to the baby, which can lead to a lot of anxiety and crying. It can also affect a baby’s ability to get a good night’s sleep. Treatments
When a baby has a rash, it is once again important to stress that a baby’s skin is very sensitive and that the treatment needs to be mild because of this. A dermatologist will usually recommend the use of plant-based creams such as lavender oil.
It is important to also take care of other aspects of the baby’s life that can affect the skin. Regular skin care, the clothes a baby wears and what the baby is eating can all have effects on the skin.
If some kind of supplemental food is causing the rashes then the parent should stop giving this food to the baby immediately. If a formula is causing the rash then a mother must breastfeed the baby until the rash goes away.
The mother must also watch what she is eating, because the mother’s diet will affect the milk that the baby is nursing on, which could also lead to rashes.
Eating a lot of nuts can cause allergic reactions in some babies and lead to a rash on the face.
The mother and baby should wear soft clothes at all times that will not irritate the skin as well.
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