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Sauerkraut is cabbage, usually shredded, that has been fermented with beneficial lactic acid bacteria. It is very popular in European countries, and today, more and more people are starting to appreciate it not only for its culinary use but also for its many health benefits.

What is sauerkraut

This cabbage product is made through a process called lacto-fermentation. Cleaned and shredded cabbage is generously salted and left to ferment on its own. It requires no additional preservatives or pasteurization, and still it has a long shelf life, if stored at temperature that does not exceed 59F (15C). There is no need to add bacteria cultures as they will start developing on their own.

Sauerkraut as an immune system booster

Sauerkraut is rich in many vitamins and minerals, especially in vitamin C, which is a powerful antioxidant. The process of fermentation triggers the production of phytochemicals, which contribute to the performance of the immune system, making sauerkraut an effective means of prevention against seasonal flu and common cold, but also against more serious diseases. Skin problems and weight gain can also be fixed with the use of sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut against cancer

Several studies performed on sauerkraut have proven that the fermentation of the cabbage has isothiocynates as a byproduct. This substance is believed to inhibit the growth of cancer cells, especially in the breast, liver, lung and colon.

One particular study focused on the fact that women of Polish ancestry living in the USA have significantly higher breast cancer rate than Polish women in Poland. The conclusion was that this was due to the fact that in Poland women have been eating much more sauerkraut, especially in their adolescence, when it is most likely to provide protection against this type of cancer.

Sauerkraut benefits for digestive system

Sauerkraut is an excellent aid to the healthy balance of the bacteria in the intestines. It contains Lactobacillus plantarum, which increases the antibodies needed to fight gastrointestinal infections like E. coli, salmonella and candida.

This bacteria also neutralize the antinutrient substances found in some foods.

Sauerkraut has been used for centuries as a cure for an upset stomach and in many countries parents feed their children with sauerkraut twice a week so they can have a healthy digestive system.

Sauerkraut, especially its juice, is an effective remedy against constipation.

The process of fermentation itself is very beneficial, it increases the strength of certain nutrients, especially the vitamin C, and promotes the absorption of protein. It is also beneficial for the nervous system.

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