This text will talk about a verypopular and mysterious plant called mistletoe. Origins of this plant arerelated to Europe. There are many symbols this plant represents, and this plantis found in folklore stands for aphrodisiac, life protector, and fertility.
Mistletoe plant
This plant, which is parasitical,can be found on a tree, where it usually hangs in the form of a bush. It can bedescribed as a plant with thick nodes, cylindrical stem, oval yellowish leafs,ramified pair. It does not grow more than 60 centimeters. During winter, they keepthe color and they bring fruit, which is round and white. This happens inDecember. Before this, in autumn, flowers can be seen. Mistletoe can attach toapple tree, willow, polar, pear and sometimes alder and birch tree, and theyusually die out after 70 years. When mistletoe attaches to the tree with fruit,they usually have the best quality mistletoe. Very good quality has the ones onpear, rose, ash and birch trees.
The name mistletoe comes from the Anglo-Saxonperiod, when the mistletoe was considered to grow only where the birds were.This word can be transcribed as tree branch excrement. In ancient time, thisplant held a great position in pagan beliefs. Vikings thought that it can bringdead back to life, while it was hung in front of the house in order to keep thebas spirits away. Mistletoe was thought to have healing abilities along withfortune, protection and other.
This plant has many beneficialproperties. It is medium cytostatic, cardiotonic, immuno-modulator, purgative,vermifuge, strong hypotensitive and diuretic medicine, but it can be used inthe treatment of some types of asthma and cough.
We have to advise every person,no matter what problem is in question, to visit a doctor before starting anytreatment. This is the case also with mistletoes treatment. Mistletoe is useddried out in the course of treatment. Many different types of cancer can betreated with mistletoe. This is because this plant has cytostatic abilities.Use of mistletoe can strengthen the immune system, while discomforting effectof chemotherapy can be decreased. It can also be used in the treatment ofepilepsy, rheumatism, arthritis and hypertension. For problems like cardiacischemia, asthma, nervous fits, memory disorder coming from hypertension,epilepsy fits, hysteria, neurosis, arteriosclerosis, ganglion disease,dizziness, take half a spoon of mistletoes extract and mix it with 100 ml ofwater. Take this mix four times per day. Problems like spasmodica and coughwill require mix made from a spoon of extract and 100 ml of water. Do thisthree times per day. You can use four parts of water and one part tincture mixfor the outer use.
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