Guava is a fruit that comes from the tropical regions of South America. In Europe, Africa and South Asia, this fruit was first brought by the Spanish and Portuguese colonists on their return from South America.
Guava is a pear shape and size (although there are species that look like apple), it is usually yellow (may be green), and its "meat" is white, pink or red. Its taste is between pear and strawberry, although there are elements of melon taste. It is very refreshing and well extinguishes thirst.
Guava is the richest source of vitamin C. Vitamin A, calcium, potassium and vegetable fibers are also present in significant amounts, so guava is excellent for use during the winter months.
The studies showed that guava reduces triglycerides in the blood, lowers blood pressure, and raises protective HDL cholesterol.
Guava may be excellent basis for making syrups, juices, alcoholic drinks, jams, various desserts, and it can also be dried and conserve to preserve its value for longer use.
Guava is the best when it's juiced. With a little sugar and cold water, guava juice is very tasty and refreshing, offering a lot of benefits such as:
Diarrhea - consumption of guava provides thickening watery content in the intestines. This is due to astringents - substances because of which a person who eats raw guava or chew its leaves feel like his/her mouth and gums shrinking.
Dysentery - Anti-bacterial and disinfectant properties of guava prevent further growth of microorganisms and eliminate excess mucus from the intestine.
Constipation – in this case the seeds of guava should be chewed or swallowed whole which act as an excellent laxative. Also, constipation can be solved thanks to fibers that are found in guava. These two properties of guava allow properly, completely and thoroughly bowel cleansing, contributing to releasing the entire body of toxins and preventing the occurrence of many diseases.
Cough and cold – astringents in guava help breaking up mucus, cleaning the respiratory tract, throat and lungs, overcoming cold and preventing further infection. Given that guava contains high amounts of iron and vitamin C, it should be used daily to prevent cold and flu.
Skin care – using guava skin becomes softer, brighter, tighter and more resistant to aging. Guava can affect the skin by eating astringent property which tightens the muscles apart from skin. It can also be applied to the skin as the essence made from its leaves and immature fruits.
Hypertension - guava due to its richness in fiber reduce cholesterol preventing clogging veins and arteries. This allows increasing blood circulation and reducing blood pressure.
Weight Loss - Guava consists of an enormous number of proteins, vitamins and fiber, but with no fat and hardly digestible carbohydrates. Just one medium-sized guava eaten during the afternoon provides not feeling hunger until the night.
Scurvy - it is a disease caused by a lack of vitamin C, and as mentioned before that guava is on the first place on richness in this vitamin, it can be very effective remedy in the treatment of this disease.
Other benefits - guava helps in controlling blood sugar levels; overcoming bacterial infections, epilepsy, convulsions and decreases risk of cancer. Guava leaves juice uses for the treatment of toothache, mouth ulcers and swelling, bleeding gums and open wounds.
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