Many health problems can be treated with the help from theperennial herb called skullcap. The plants from the genussutellaria commonly get the name skullcap and this genus has more than 300species and the herbal medicine has benefited from many of them, but the greatestbenefit is associated with the sutellaria lateriflora, which is perennialherbaceous plant. It can be located in the swamps and marshy areas around the world.The skullcap has flowers with two lobs that are bluish purple and very smallin size, and look like the medieval skullcaps. There are many names of thisplant like hoodwort, madweed, mad dog and helmet flower.
It is popular for its febrifuge, sedative, astringent,antispasmodic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities and when theseabilities are combined, there are many medical problems that can be treatedwith the use of skullcap. Nervous tension can be reduced with the use ofskullcap since it is a good tranquillizer. The depression, anxiety and stresscan be reduced and the mind made calm. Also, problems such as stress, headaches,panic attacks and insomnia can be treated with this plant because it issedative Nervine. Neurological disorders like convulsions, epilepsy, deliriumtremens and hysteria can be treated with this plant, which can also decreasethe joint inflammation due to the anti-inflammatory ability. Also arthritiscauses inflammation and pain, which can be decreased. The congestion of themucus can be reduced due to the antihistamine property of the skullcap, whichcan also treat throat infections and decrease hard and dry cough. The promotionof the menstrual discharge is the effect of the skullcap when used asemmenagogue, but it is also good for treatment of premenstrual syndromesymptoms. But women who are pregnant should not use this plant because of theseeffects. Fever can be reduced and the body temperature normalized with the useof skullcap because of the febrifuge abilities, and it can also be used fortreatment of urinary infections and skin infections due to the presence ofantibacterial abilities. The flow of the bile can be increased with the use ofthis plant, which can also be used for the treatment of asthma, hepatitis, diarrhea,bronchitis and common cold. Also you can use it if you are having hangover orhiccup problems.
Side Effects
The use of this plant usually causes no side effects, but there are some that can occur due to the improper consummation of this plant. Sever problems may bedeveloped due to overdose, such as irregular heartbeats, seizures, drowsinessand dizziness. Mouth swelling, breathing problems, hives and skin rashare some of the signs of allergy, which can be caused by the use of this plant.You can get the liquid and capsule tincture of the skullcap and remember tokeep the dosages in the approved limits.
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