Isabgol is a plant that originates from Persia. Nowadays, this plant mainly grows in India. The healthiest parts of it are its seeds which are used in medicine with or without its husk. It can grow from one to three inches. Isabgol is considered a shrub but it resembles wheat plants. It does not have a trunk but it has leaves and tiny flowers. It has got fruits that look like little boats. Its seeds are covered in white powder that is called husk. In combination with water the husk turns into sticky substance that hasn’t got taste or smell but is very beneficial on human health. In order to use all beneficial things from seeds they should be grinded not powdered. The seeds of isabgol contain two substances Mucilage and Albumin. Isabgol can serve as purgative. It can monitor dysentery and cure diarrhea. Fresh seeds and water are consumed with sugar in such cases. Even if diarrhea is recurrent and if it affects children the same medicine can be taken every morning. It can even cure stomach problems caused by amoebas. Amoebic spasm medicine consists of isabgol (100 grams), aniseeds ( 50 grams) and sugar candy (50 grams). It should be taken three times every day. If you feel burning in your stomach fresh seeds are mixed with cold water and eaten. You can also eat fresh seeds or you can roast seeds and eliminate stomach problems. In combination with hot milk isabgol helps in bowel movement. Triphala churna, isabgol seeds and water cure all pitta problems very successfully. In combination with eucalyptus isabgol can cure headache. It is necessary to make a paste and to apply it on forehead. Isabgol can help you ease painful ear. You need 10 grams of sticky substance from husk and the same amount of onion juice. Put it on the stove, make it warm. When it chills a little bit put it in your ears. The substance from isabgol’s husk can be used instead of mouthwash to get rid of bad breath. In combination with vinegar it can help easing toothache. Isabgol seeds and hot water can be consumed in the morning to relieve asthma and other problems with lungs. Generally, if you have too much phlegm in your chest isabgol will help. Syrup made from isabgol will help treating bleeding piles. It proved beneficial on urinary problems. You can take 4 spoons of seeds mix with water, add sugar and drink. If having no illnesses only incredible thirst the mixture of isabgol and Gudhal squash will be a blessing for you. Isabgol can treat rheumatism, too. Isabgol seed can be put in band aid and wrapped around painful joints.
Isabgol is extremely beneficial on human health. However it does have side effects especially on women after they gave birth to a child. It proved bad for nerves and hips.
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