Although green tea has manyhealth benefits, it is even more beneficial if it is decaffeinated.
Catechism an epigallocatechin gallate which are commonly found in green tea decrease the risk of heart diseasesand various types of cancer. These chemical compounds also have antioxidantproperties and they prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol triggered by freeradicals. Arteries remain plaque free and atherosclerosis is prevented by thesefunctions.
Green tea gets decaffeinated bybeing processed with carbon dioxide and effervescing water. The decaffeinationprocess preserves larger amounts of catechism and polyphones intact, so itstill has the same health benefits as the regular green tea. Decaffeination canalso be done by applying a chemical solvent called ethyl acetate, and its mainfunction is the extraction of caffeine from the tea. This type of processpreserves less catechism than the CO2 process described above. Most productpackages claim that the contained decaffeinated tea is naturally decaffeinatedand it usually refers to the process that uses ethyl acetate.
A person can reduce the amount ofcaffeine in different ways. Fresh leaf green tea should be brewed at about 170degrees, slightly lower than the boiling point of water. Following theseinstructions, one can reduce the amount of caffeine in the tea cup by seven to15 times, which is a lot more than most people realize.
There are persons who are verysensitive to the intake of caffeine, and they should definitely monitor theircaffeine intake carefully. The most appropriate type of tea can be determinedby such factor as what time of day it currently is or when does the person goto sleep. For example, Japanese breeds of green tea contain less caffeine thanothers, so they are more appropriate for consumption before bedtime.
For people who cannot toleratecaffeine at all, there are products that are completely free of caffeine, suchas Rooibos. Rooibos is enjoyed by a large number of people and most of themwould have to agree that its taste is very similar to that of a black tea.
Rooibos will not provide the samehealth benefits as green tea does, but it does actually contain a substancecalled SOD and it has very powerful antioxidant properties. In South Africa itis common to drink rooibos tea without milk.
The flavor of rooibos tea isoften described as being naturally sweet and slightly nutty. Rooibos can beprepared in the same manner as black tea, and this is the most common method.
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