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Green tea is the most widely studied brew of all different types of tea.

White tea is closely behind green tea, while the fans of good old black tea still may wonder where it stands compared to all the others.

Studies have also shown that black tea has its own niche in health benefits. Black tea is usually consumed with milk and sugar which differentiates it from the green, white and oolong tea which are usually consumed without any additives.

If one steeps green or black tea for just a few minutes, about 80 percent of its catechins will get released. Milk also neutralizes some of the benefits of tea to a certain extent.

Tea comes from a plant called camellia Sinesis, more specifically its leaves.

Tea gets divided into different categories by the oxidation level or fermentation. The green leaves of green tea remain that way because they get steamed, baked, or fried in a pan to prevent oxidation, which is very important because they contain a very powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate.

Black tea on the other hand gets fully oxidized and during that process, the leaves change their color from green to brown.

During the fermentation process the epigallocatechin gallate gets converted into substances called theaflavins and thearubigens. These two are very important for the health and beneficial qualities of black tea. They also contribute largely to the characteristic dark color and the recognizable robust and rich flavors associated with black tea.

Tea has enormous antioxidant potential which is responsible for the prevention of free radical damage, which is the cause of many different diseases.

Tea drinkers have a much lower risk of heart attack and stroke. An increased blood flow to the heart is made possible by arteries expanded by the ingestion of black tea.

Tea is very rich in flavonoids, which are among the most powerful antioxidants. They are good for the heart and they also deal well with the cholesterol levels, lowering the bad ones and raising the good ones simultaneously.

Teeth can also benefit from tea ingestion. High contents of fluoride lower cavity risk and make the tooth enamel stronger, therefore generally preventing tooth decay.

Approximately five cups of tea a day extremely inhibits the formation of cataracts and many other complications associated with diabetes.

The conclusion is that both green and black tea have their own very important beneficial influences on the general health of the human body.

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