The Flatfeet Situation
This condition manifests itself throughone's arch on his or her feet being completely flat. This means that,once a person with flat feet stands on them, his or her entire feetare touching the ground, instead just certain parts. While thiscondition usually does not cause any additional harm, there have beencases of ankle and leg deformation due to flat feet. This conditionis, most often, developed in childhood and, unless causing pain anddiscomfort, there is no need for treating it.
Manifestations of Flatfeet
As mentioned above, majority of peopledo not have any problems living with flatfeet, nor do they feel anypain. Nevertheless, there are some which simply cannot live with thiscondition properly. Swollen ankles, inability to step on toes andpain throughout the foot arch area are just some of the symptomsthese people feel. It is therefore important to notice these symptomswith your child as soon as possible. This way, you will be able totake further measures and have the flatfeet taken care of.
What Causes Flatfeet?
Small children and babies do not havearches formed on their feet yet. Later in life, they can either beformed or not. Therefore, some adults have regular and some have flatfeet. Also, often, due to age and body deterioration, older peopleget flat feet as well, possibly causing problems.
Possible Treatment
If you decide to seek medical attentionfor your or your child's flatfeet, it is best to know what to expect.Make sure you wear your everyday shoes since the doctor will probablywant to examine them in order to see if they are adequate shoes forthe wearer. Also, the doctor will ask for patient's medical historyand will conduct several examinations and tests in order to establishboth causes and the severity of the patient's flat feet beforerecommending proper treatment.
As for the possible treatment, thedoctor may prescribe anatomic shoe inserts which can help you reducepain and discomfort. These can either be made especially for thepatient's feet or can be purchased without a prescription.
Furthermore, the patient may besuggested to perform certain exercises useful for his or her feet.Additionally, the worst case scenarios involve surgery.
At home, the patient is advised to restand remove the stress of his or her feet as much as possible, inorder for the pain to cease. If obese or overweight, he or she mayhave to get in shape and lose the extra pounds making their walkingdifficult and their feet flat. Finally, painkillers are recommendedin cases of pain or discomfort during the recovery period.
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