A Common Injury in the World ofAthletes
Many who are physically active, whetherthrough some kind of a sport, or, simply through regular exercisingpatterns, have a high probability to experience shin splits at somepoint of their lives. This injury, also called the tibial stresssyndrome, is quite a common one and takes place mainly due to overuseof our leg muscles, bones, and tendons. Different factors may influenceits onset, including muscle damage due to overuse, tiny breakage ofyour foot or leg bones, or tendon and muscle injury caused by flatfeet. Of course, there are other causes of this condition but theseare the main ones. Usually, in lighter cases, this problem heals onits own and all the injured person needs is a bit of rest.Nevertheless, there are more serious situations where mobility isjeopardized and the symptoms prevail for a longer period of time,making you need medical assistance.
Symptoms of Shin Splits
First of all, as it is the case withmany injuries, comes pain. Namely, if you experience shin splits, youare bound to feel dull, irritating pain along one side of yourproblematic shinbone. This pain may either appear or escalate duringexercising or physically activating the hurt leg. Also, in cases ofmore serious injuries it can be present all the time. Upon your visitto the doctor's, he or she will perform an x-ray scan of thetroublesome spot in order to see into the severity of the injury andrecommend an adequate treatment afterwards.
Possible Treatment
Resting is often the best cure, and youwill be recommended to avoid physically engaging your injured leg.Rather, you are to apply ice onto the shinbone until any possibleswelling or pain disappears. Do this for about 20 minutes, each 3hours. Alternatively, you might consider taking over-the-counterpainkillers and anti-inflammatory medications, but be careful whilechoosing them since many have unpleasant side-effects.
If you suffer from flat feet, you mightwant to treat them timely by using arch shoe supporters. These willcorrect your feet problems and make you much less prone to injuriesof this type. Finally, you are advised to wear neoprene sleeve inorder to provide your injured leg adequate support and do somerehabilitation exercises, often prescribed by the doctor him orherself.
The recovery time varies, dependinggreatly upon the severity of the injury. Nevertheless, three monthsis a normal period for a complete rehabilitation. You will know yourleg is healthy again as soon as you are able to perform sports you didbefore without pain and discomfort. Also, you will feel that yourproblematic leg is as strong and flexible as the other, healthy oneis. Make sure you do not overdo your physical exercising, stop whenyou experience pain and wear adequate shoes providing good comfortand cushioning.
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