Aging, sun damage and genetic predisposition and smoking aresome of the factors that contribute to the wrinkles formation.
Skin becomes more fragile with the years and the wrinklesbecome more and more visible. The skin cells start to divide very slowly and thedermis of the skin becomes thin. There is also apparent change in elastin and collagenfibers in the skin, which causes the skin to become less elastic. Skin glands that produce sweat and sebum atrophy and leavethe skin without the proper hydration and protection. As all organs in thebody, skin needs more time to heal with aging.
Certain muscles of the face are frequently contracted, leavingwrinkles on the specific spots. Some people have frown lines between the eyebrows andothers have lines in the corners of the eyes, known as the crow’s feet. If youhave a habit to make certain facial expression often, it will be seen on yourface when you get older. Additionally, gravity might make those facial lineseven more prominent. Older people may have hanging chin and eyelids due to their age. There isan unusual effect of aging: as we get old, our eyebrows move upwards, notdownwards. Forehead wrinkles might be responsible for this effect.
Photoaging is actually the sun damage to the skin. Being toolong on the sun may cause the aging of your skin ad skin cancer. Ultraviolet rays(UVA and UVB) can damage the skin of young people, still in their 20s, not onlyolder people. Ultraviolet radiation is proven to cause skin damage, wrinkles, skinproblems and skin cancer. It also decreases the defense of human organism fromdifferent infections.
UV rays affect the collagen in our skin and damage it, andalso cause abnormalities in the structure of another structural skin protein – elastin.The skin tries to repair the damage, but the process can’t be completed and itleaves the sun scars on the skin. These scars are known as the solar scars andthe buildup of these scares may cause even more wrinkles.
There was a study to establish the function of theprotective enzymes, which repair the sun damage. The study revealed that inpeople with light skin, these enzymes, metalloproteinases, stay elevated for aweek after just 15 minutes on the sun. Metalloproteinases have the protectingfunction, but to protect the skin, they have to destroy some of the existingcollagen, which causes more damage.
Other Wrinkling Factors
Smoking and air pollution produce free radicals that mightseriously damage your skin, causing wrinkles and perhaps be the factors to be blamedfor skin cancer. If you lost some weight, it could also be the cause ofyour wrinkles, especially if it was a crash diet, and you lost a massive amount ofweight.
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