Origin of Eye Wrinkles
Eyewrinkles are a sign of aging that is difficult to hide. The middle layer of theskin, known as the dermis, holds collagen, which gives the skin its wrinklefree appearance by infusing the elastin fibers responsible for stretching thevisible skin layer (epidermis). With time, the dermis loses the ability to holdcollagen, and with the additional effect of gravity, the skin turns thinner, beginsto sag and wrinkles get formed. As the eye is rich with muscles that move constantly,as well as the fact they communicate emotion to people, eye wrinkles areamongst the most easily visible kind of wrinkles.
Eye Wrinkle Formation
Eyewrinkles can be caused by a variety of reasons, including drinking alcohol,eating unhealthy foods and dehydration. Spending prolonged amounts of time inthe sun can cause wrinkles due to squinting, as well as drying out and wearingout the layers of skin around the eyes. Another cause of wrinkles is smoking,as it drains the moisture from the face and also causes squinting. Therefore, sunblock, sunglasses and the prevention of smoke exposure are all advised forpreventing the formation of wrinkles.
Wrinklestend to develop according to the facial progress of the person in question. Reflectionobservation can reveal the exact wrinkle causing facial movements and avoidingthese can alter the amount of wrinkles generated, as well as boost theeffectiveness of eye cream. Creams that are light and contain ingredients suchas sunscreens are preferable, while oil based creams can cause wrinkles bycreating cysts around the eyes.
The firsttypes of eye wrinkles to be noticed are the ones which occur around the eyes.These wrinkles are known as the crow’s feet because of their appearance. Theother wrinkles occur under the eye area.
Preventing Eye Wrinkles
Wrinklesbegin forming at an early age, but are only noticeable later. An early start inwrinkle prevention is more beneficial than a late one. Application of wrinklecream is advised, as wrinkle cream contains ingredients such as Retin-A, anacid derived from Vitamin A. Vitamin A helps the production of collagen, andrepairs the outer layer of the skin.
To successfullytreat eye wrinkles, limiting or eliminating the aforementioned negative habitsby as little as 10% can directly improve the condition by 10%. All naturalskincare products are recommended, as well as allergen free ones, due to the fact they can cause drastic improvement.
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