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Prevention and early detection of eye problems often work better than all available treatments. Sometimes, eyes may be irreversibly damaged and the patient may lose his/her vision for good, just because he/she was not paying enough attention and did not go to the doctor when the first symptoms have appeared.

Therefore, the best advice for an individual is to look after his/her vision and report all eye problems as soon as possible to a well experienced doctor in order to avoid complications.

Keeping your eyes healthy is not hard, but you need to know what to do. First of all, healthy lifestyle is extremely important for healthy eyes. Then, protect your eyes from eventual trauma and regularly visit your ophthalmologist (an eye health care specialist).

Eyes and Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy body and eyes always go together. Make sure that your immune system is strong and it is not likely you will be experiencing any viral or bacterial infections or suffer from keratitis or conjunctivitis. Even if you happen to develop any eye problem, in case your immune system is healthy and strong, you will recover quickly and without any complications.

Eating healthy should be an integral part of your healthy lifestyle. Avoid trans-fatty acids and cholesterol in your food and your cardiovascular system will be healthy. This diet will ensure that your cholesterol (HDL and LDL) stays balanced and your eyes will be grateful for proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals you are providing every day.

If you lack any important nutrients and cannot compensate for these in foods for some reason, there are always nutritional supplements. High doses of antioxidants have been proven highly efficient for age-related eye diseases. However, strive to eat healthy and provide your body and eyes with plenty of essential nutrients by eating proper food.

Protect Your Eyes and Check Them Regularly

Eyes can be hurt after exposure to chemicals or radiation, not just after some physical trauma. Besides microorganisms and foreign objects, make sure that you always protect the eyes from paints, acids or oils you are working with. Different sources of radiation can be harmful as well.

Although you may have perfect vision, you still need some regular check-ups. Some diseases and disorders of the eye may develop without any symptoms and without effects on your vision, so visit your ophthalmologist once in a while even though everything seems just fine to you. If it does not and you experience some eye problems, this must be reported to your eye doctor immediately.

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