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Frequent health check ups can become a necessity as we enter the latter stages of our lives. Any potential medical problems should be identified and treated before they become seriously problematic. With this in mind, it is particularly important for older people to undergo regular eye checks. About one fifth of those over the age of sixty five in the United States of America suffer from some kind of problem with the eye. These problems tend to worsen as the years go by.

Problems that can occur include low vision, cataracts, macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma. For the most part, these conditions can be debilitating.

Vision and age
There are often warning signs with regard to a decrease in the standard of ones vision. For example, if you are beginning to develop an eye problem, you might suffer from increased dryness or tearing, a drooping eyelid, a film over the eye, lowered peripheral vision, blurred vision, distorted vision, failure to tear, eye infections, and trouble adjusting to light or glare.
Elderly people often choose to avoid undergoing check ups, due to the potential inconvenience or cost of doing so. The cost of medical treatment can be expensive, but there are specific programs that can help seniors to cover some or all of the cost of the treatment. One such program is known as the Seniors EyeCare Program. This program covers the treatment of any diagnosed medical condition. This is available for United States citizens over the age of sixty five.
In order to avoid the inconvenience, it might be advised to choose an ophthalmologist who is located close to you. If necessary, check to see whether the office is equipped with handicapped facilities or equipment. Try to find an ophthalmologist who is kind, understanding, and patient. Before you do consult an ophthalmologist, form some kind of plan with your eye care provider.
If you experience any problems, make sure to note them down. This will ensure that you have a list of symptoms with which to provide your doctor during the consultation process. As a result, diagnosis should be swifter and more efficient.
Without doubt, eye care is extremely important with regard to seniors. One should seek to identify, prevent, and manage eye problems as soon as possible, and in as efficient a manner as possible. Those under the age of seventy are recommended to get their eyes checked at least once every second year.

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