A Mom's Medal of Honor
Those new mothers who endured giving birth through a C-section, surely are brave, strong and definitely love their children very much. After all, there is no resting for these wonderful women, since child upbringing comes into the picture the moment the little bundles of love leave your body. Thus, through all these selfless acts of love and support, these brave moms have little time for themselves. This results in them neglecting their bodies. However, mothers should not let this happen and should exercise to bring their bodies into their previous shape. There are different types of physical activities grouped specifically for women who had a C-section. So, in order to know when to indulge into these exercises and which activities are they in the first place, read on.
When To Start Exercising?
Taking into consideration the seriousness of a procedure such as a caesarian section is, you need to provide your body enough time to regenerate. Even though, this time span is usually somewhere about 6 weeks, you should not rush it. Rather, it is best to consult with your doctor. He or she is well introduced with your physical state of affairs. Thereby, he or she can tell you when your body is ready for some advanced physical straining. Finally, once you get a green light from your doctor, be careful throughout the exercise process, taking good care of yourself and your body.
The Workout Program
For starters, you will have to be very gentle and careful. Lie down on the floor with your back facing it. Then, bend your legs at the knees with your feet facing the floor beneath you. After completing this, with your palms behind your ears, try to inhale slowly and deeply and exhale the same way. Do this several times in order to warm up. Then, if you have no troubles with this, try lifting your head while exhaling. Inhale again while returning to your initial position. Repeat this for about 10 times. Later on, when you get stronger and more flexible, you can lift your shoulders as well, and increase the number of repetitions. Nevertheless, take it slowly, one step at a time.
Next, once you get stronger, from a similar position, with the exception of having the upper part of your legs forming a 90 degrees angle to the floor, lift the bottom part of your body, exhaling in the process. Hold it that way for a split of a second until returning it to the initial state. Up to 10 repetitions are adequate in the beginning.
Later, from the same position, try to lift your upper body so as to touch your right knee with your left elbow and, after returning to the initial position, your left knee with your right elbow, repeating this 20 times.
Finally, again from the same position, take a pillow in your hands and place it onto your abdominal area. Then, as you exhale, lift the pillow above the area. Upon inhaling again, lower the pillow. Repeat it gradually as many times as you feel comfortable doing, until you reach 30 repetitions.
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