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After birth

Theproblem with pregnancy is that it inflates your abdomen drastically. After the pregnancy, the abdomen remains in place and it takes a while for it to get back to its normal size and position. In the meanwhile, you will look, well, like you are carrying a sack on your tummy. There is hardly a new mom who is proud of such a stomach, and here we will give you several quick steps that will help you to get your tummy back where it should be in no time.


Firstthing to do is to get the abdominal muscles back in shape and back in tone, since they got really stretched and really relaxed during pregnancy. In some cases, they might even become separated, like your stomach had been unzipped.

During the exercises, keep your legs and thighs relaxed, as it is easy to engage muscle groups that are there while performing these exercises, and not only abdominal muscles. If leg and thigh muscle groups are relaxed, abdominal muscles must work more and will be back in shapesooner.

Wewill begin with the pelvic tilt. For this exercise, you should lie flat on your back. Begin by inhaling. Then, slowly roll your pelvis in the direction of your stomach and exhale simultaneously. Then, slowly roll the pelvis away from your stomach and inhale simultaneously. Do ten repetitions of this exercise.

The next exercise is known as heel slides. You should lie on back with your knees bent. Extend your right leg completely and rest it on the floor. The muscle above the right hip bone should be used for this. Now, contract the muscle so that your heel is dragged towards your torso and exhale. While you extend the heel, relax the tension in the muscles and inhale. Repeat this exercise ten times with your right leg, and ten times with your left leg.

Thirdused exercise is known as knee lifts. Begin by laying on your back with your knees bent. Inhale. Contract the muscle above your right hip as you lift the right leg and exhale simultaneously. Relax the muscle to lower your foot back to floor and inhale simultaneously. Repeat ten times for both legs.


A person needs nutrients to recover after pregnancy and delivery and to produce milk, if you are breastfeeding the baby. What you should do is to increase the amount of water that you drink, so that your kidneys can clean out the impurities and metabolic waste from blood. If they are unable to do this, then they redirect this function to the liver, which can break the impurities, but then it cannot burn fat, as it normally does. This way, you do not hamper normal fat loss. Also, keep your blood sugar level stable by eating something nutritious every two to three hours. Remember that it may take as long as nine months to recover completely, so don't rush and don't lose hope.

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