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The Theory of Success through Excess

We, humans, are often quite strange. Namely, we tend to consider excess to be the way to live. Therefore, we spend our entire lives searching for the source of our excess. Some of us choose to chase money until they reach excess. Others have hobbies or some activities they indulge in to the very limit of humancapabilities.

However, in the end, excess and success are all relative. For example, we can indulge into exercising like crazy and develop a body condition which is more than stunning, with all the muscles being perfectly toned and all other aspects of our body gleaming in perfection. Still, during the time we have lost acquiring this state of body, we might have neglected our family, our friends, our job and many other things. Thus, from a third person's perspective, this can either be a success or an excess. A family person would consider this to be too high of a price to pay for a mere physical perfection. At the same time a fitness obsessed individual would claim that this is a sign of true success. Therefore, it is all relative, depending on the eye of the beholder.

Regardless, we should ask ourselves whether excess is success or not, in all other walks of life, or whether this theory depends on the viewpoint no matter what.

Excess, Success or Something Else

We have come to terms with excess and success in the world of fitness and have noticed that it all depends on your own attitude towards it. The best thing would be to lead a balanced life, focusing on making yourself and the people around you happy and satisfied. If exercising grants you this, do it. If you are unhappy after looking at your perfect body in the mirror, you are not experiencing success, regardless of your efforts.

The same is with other goals in your life. Some people consider walking with a coffee-to-go on their way to work a sign of success and excess at the same time, being happy and satisfied, feeling that they need nothing more in their lives. However, a person driving a giant luxury car next to our happy walker may beg to differ, since, even though his car is considered excessive by many, he/she is still not satisfied and would consider a more expensive model a true success. All in all, life is what you make of it. Just make sure you are happy with what you are doing and achieving because this is what success is, regardless of the presence or absence of excess in your life.

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