Information on Ephedra Extract
Ephedra extract is often confused with ephedra alkaloids.Ephedra is actually a shrub which can be found in Southwestern North America,South America, North Africa and Central Asia. It was an important herb in thetraditional Chinese medicine as it was used for the prevention and treatment ofnumerous medical conditions. Nowadays it is widely used as a supplement foraiding the process of weight loss. Ephedra extract was banned by the FDAbecause of certain health hazards and it is replaced on the market by ephedraalkaloid products. Many people avoid ephedra alkaloids thinking that they arethe same thing as the banned ephedra extract.
Ephedra Extract Benefits
Ephedra extract was an integral part of numerous differentbranches of alternative medicine, including the traditional Chinese medicine.It is very efficient in the prevention and treatment of common cold, asthma,allergic rhinitis, hay fever and various other types of disorders whichcommonly affect the lower and upper respiratory tract. Ephedra is known for itsthermogenic properties so that is the main reason why it has been used withnumerous types of weight loss products. Ephedra efficiently produces plenty ofheat in the human body which leads to burning of the excess calories. Themetabolic rate gets significantly increased so that the calories can betransformed into pure energy. Ephedra was used in the production of numerousdifferent types of diet supplements and weight loss pills but it was bannedbecause of certain side effects they commonly triggered.
Ephedra Extract Side Effects
Ephedra extract prevented the human body from losing heatand in some cases it even lead to the occurrence of heat stroke. Certain otherside effects of ephedra extract may or may not include anxiety, increasedurination, psychosis, sweating, high blood pressure, flushing, irregular heartrhythms, insomnia, heart damage, nervousness, headache, restlessness, dizziness,dry mouth, tremors, decreased appetite and irritation of the stomach, kidneystones, diarrhea and nausea. The use of ephedra should be avoided by children,pregnant women, breastfeeding women, people who suffer from metabolicdisorders, people who suffer from kidney disorders and people who suffer fromheart disorders.
Ephedra Alkaloids
Ephedra alkaloids contain the ephedra herb mixed in withnumerous different types of both synthetic and natural ingredients. They can befound in various medicaments used for a large number of different purposes.Ephedra alkaloids are not associated with any of the side effects commonly associatedwith ephedra extract.
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