Information on Licorice Extract
Licorice plant comes from the same family as the peas andthe beans and it originates from Asia and Europe. It is a deciduous plant withvery long tap root system and it usually grows in the wild. It is sometimesreferred to by its botanical name of glycyrrhiza glabra which is derived fromthe Greek words which mean “sweet root”. Licorice extract is obtained byhammering the licorice root, boiling it and evaporating it afterwards.
Licorice Extract Uses
Licorice extract has a very sweet taste because it containsthe glycyrrhizic acid which is known for being up to 50 times sweeter than theordinary sucrose. It can be gained by using the traditional method ofharvesting the licorice roots and grinding them into powder. The second methodis already explained in the first paragraph of this text. Licorice extract iscommonly used for the flavoring of numerous different types of candy, chewinggums, cigarettes and similar products but it can also be used for variousmedicinal purposes. Licorice extract can be very handy when it comes toprevention and treatment of numerous medical conditions such as asthma, flu,strep throat, common cold, arthritis, athlete’s foot, prostate enlargement,body odor, tooth decay, baldness, gingivitis, canker sores, dandruff,depression, HIV, viral infections, heartburn, ulcers, shingles, liver problems,psoriasis, tuberculosis, menopause, yeast infections, chronic fatigue and gout.It can be used as a substitute for St. John’s Wort as well. It is also usedextensively in the traditional Ayurveda medicine. Licorice extract prevents theloss of adrenal hormones, heals ulcers, reduces the levels of acids in thestomach, relieves indigestion, heals gas problems and reduces the inflammatoryconditions. Licorice extract is also very efficient in increasing the bile flow,reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing the levels ofgood cholesterol in the blood, increasing the contents of interferon in thehuman body, boosting the immune system, relieving allergic reactions andreducing the stress.
Licorice Extract Side Effects
Licorice extract can also be affiliated with certain sideeffects which are usually due to excessive consumption of the extract. The mostcommon licorice extract may or may not include water retention, hypertension and joint stiffness, shortness of breath, headache and stomach ache. Pregnant andbreastfeeding women, as well as all those who suffer from heart problems, differenttypes of liver problems or diabetes should not consume licorice extract in anyform.
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