Information on Rosemary Extract
Rosemary extract is one of the best sources of vitamin E andvarious antioxidants which mean it is very efficient in fighting the freeradicals and reducing the amount and severity of the damage they cause to thehuman body. Rosemary extract can be obtained rather easily from the rosemaryherb which is also sometimes referred to by its botanical name of rosmarinusofficinalis. Rosemary herb comes from the family of mints and it originatesfrom the coasts of the Mediterranean region. It is commonly cultivatedeverywhere around the world and it is a regular addition to numerous housegardens. Rosemary is an evergreen shrub characterized by needle shaped leavesand flowers that may come in a variety of different colors ranging frompink and red all the way to white and blue. Rosemary has been used as a spiceand a food preservative for numerous centuries. Rosemary extract has also beenused for numerous medicinal purposes because of its extremely high therapeuticvalues.
Rosemary Extract Benefits
Rosemary extract is remarkably efficient in providing thehuman body with numerous health benefits because it contains more than 25different types of antioxidant substances. These antioxidants have a very longlifespan and are very efficient in neutralizing all known types of harmful freeradicals. Rosemary extract can be of great help when it comes to protecting theskin cells from damage, slowing down the process of aging and preventing skinwrinkles. It is also very efficient in detoxifying the body, enhancing thememory and reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Rosemary extract is alsoknown for its potent anti inflammatory properties and it can be very beneficialin preventing leukemia and different types of cancer. It can also be of greathelp for all those who suffer from allergic reactions and several otherrespiratory medical conditions such as asthma. Rosemary extract is also veryefficient in improving the functioning of the kidneys, reducing the risk ofcardiovascular diseases, decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodand increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood.
How to Make Rosemary Extract
Rosemary extract can be prepared at home very easily. Onejust needs some fresh rosemary needles and vodka. The needles need to be washedin plain water and placed inside a glass jar equipped with a tight fitting lid.After that one just needs to add vodka. The extract can be used after 6 weeksof storage. Excess amounts of rosemary extract may lead to certain side effectssuch as spasms, coma and pulmonary edema. Pregnant and breastfeeding womenshould avoid using rosemary extract.
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