In the following text, we will focus on the pills called ephedra. Although thereare many benefits associated with these pills, there are also some sideeffects and we will see which they are. These pills are made from the ephedrasinica and they can treat common cold, hay fever and asthma in China. This is atraditional herbal medicine used for bone swelling, bone pain, perspirationproblems, joint symptoms, breathing problems, bronchitis and other problems. InJapan, Germany and India, these pills are also high in popularity. Theyare very beneficial on the human body and this even World Health Organizationclaims. But medicine practitioners have detected some side effects that can occur after the use of this herbal medicine. Plan alkaloids, pseudoephedrine and ephedrine, are constituents of ephedra.They enter the brain protecting wall and react with the neurotransmitterreceptors. Due to this beta-adrenergic and alpha-receptors are energized andneurotransmitter norepinephrine release. The heart rate is maintained becauseof the opening of the airways, which is caused by the described activities.
Side Effects
Now we will see which side effects can occur after the use of ephedra. Weightloss is one of the benefits this pill causes. The side effects possible canoccur if the dosage consumed is higher than the prescribed or safe. If thishappens, insomnia, high blood pressure, restlessness, headache and anxiety canhappen. Also, addictiveness can be developed and it is associated with verydifficult withdrawal symptoms. Binge eating, rapid heart palpitations, moodswings and cold sweats are some of the detected side effects. You can see howthe weight which has been lost can easily return. Problems such as unwantedheart palpitations, high blood pressure that cannot be controlled andoverstimulation of the nervous system are associated with the ephedra excessiveuse. These pills have amphetamine properties and this has a reason for a debatebetween the U.S. Drug and Food Administration. Diabetes, hyperthyroidism andglaucoma may be created due to the use of ephedra.
Remember that other stimulants cannot be used alongside with ephedra, since itis also a stimulant. Also, exclude dietary supplements and caffeine containingdrugs from use. Death may be caused if the ephedra is used in excessiveamounts. See a doctor if you are experiencing stomach pain, painful urination,urination troubles, sever weight loss, sweating, tremor, shaking, vomiting,irregular heartbeat, fast heartbeat, chest pain, sleeping problems, appetiteloss, nausea, headache, dizziness, and anxiety. Slurred speech, vision problems,confusion, weakness, fever are associated as possible side effects as well. Remember to always consult a doctor before you decide to use a medication. Ifyou want to use ephedra, inform about all the possible effects it may cause,good and bad ones.
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