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Raw Egg Consumption?

Many of you, especially those who have watched movies about athletes have witnessed the training regime of these people, where some of the basic ingredients to their nutrition are raw eggs. Some of you may have considered implementing raw eggs into your nutrition as well. However, we are still unsure of the true benefit or harm behind this action, because the effects behind eating raw eggs remains a mystery to be solved. Therefore, the following lines will do their best to offer some additional information on the topic, making you decide on your own whether you should or should not involve raw eggs in your diet.

The Positive Sides

One of the best things related to gulping several raw eggs down is the fact that they contain all of the essential amino acids needed by your body. What is more, raw eggs are quite rich is minerals and vitamins, making them an excellent source of these highly nutritive and vital supplements.

We cannot talk about the egg white without mentioning the fact that it is one of the richest sources of protein available on the face of the earth. Also, this raw jewel contains natural vitamin D, which is rarely found in food. Finally, pregnant women, who want the best for their baby, can rest assured that eating raw eggs will do well for the development of their baby on-the-way.

The Negative Sides

One of the main dangers connected with consuming raw eggs is the risk of contracting salmonella. However, if you purchase your eggs from well-known sources, you have nothing to worry about since the only way of getting salmonella is by eating eggs which are spoiled or those coming out of chickens who have been fed with contaminated food.

Also, you should eat the whole egg at once, instead of only consuming the egg white, since the latter alone may cause you biotin deficiency. Finally, you need to be careful since raw eggs are extremely rich in cholesterol; know your limits and include only optimal numbers of this healthy food in your intake.

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