Salmonella Infection Facts
Salmonella infection is a bacterialdisease which is quite common in people, taking into considerationthe fact that we mostly get infected through poultry, different meatand eggs, which are basic parts of diets of a vast majority ofpeople. We may also contract salmonella through water. Upon havingsalmonella in our organism, we are bound to experience nausea, fever,abdominal cramps and diarrhea. These manifestations may strike from12 to 72 hours after consuming the contaminated nutrient. Luckily,people with salmonella usually are in no need of specific treatments,since the bacteria are expelled through feces after a certain period.
Nevertheless, salmonella may cause youserious problems if it gets transferred throughout your intestines,or even further. Sometimes, the diarrhea can cause you to lose morewater than you are aware of, leading to dehydration and, possibly, anecessity of medical intervention.
Additional Facts about Salmonella
As far as contamination is concerned,as it was mentioned above, these bacteria resides inside birds, rawmeat, fish and seafood, we are all likely to eat. Sometimes, birdswhich are infected by salmonella, transfer the infection directlyonto their eggs. Raw meat can easily have salmonella. What is more,sometimes, fruit and vegetables may get contaminated by being wateredwith water containing salmonella. All in all, there are numerous wayshow this bacteria is spread. Eating any of the above mentioned foodraw can transfer the bacteria into your intestines, causing symptomsof salmonella infection. Poor hygiene contributes to this fact.
Salmonella Problems
One of the most commonsalmonella-triggered diseases is gastroenteritis, contracted througheating undercooked meat and eggs. The infection of this type involvesnausea and vomiting, as well as abdominal pain. Moreover, headaches,diarrhea and fevers belong to the list as well. Blood found in thestool, along with experiencing pain in the muscles all serve asadditional symptoms.
The worst case scenario is developingtyphoid fever due to salmonella exposure. During 21 days ofincubation, one can experience diarrhea or constipation accompaniedby a very high fever. Also, pinkish spots may appear on one's chest,possibly being slightly bumpy. During this condition, you heartbeatmay get slower, coughing may be frequent and you might experiencedelirium. Finally, your liver and spleen may get abnormally enlarged.
Risk Factors Regarding ContractingSalmonella
People who own birds, live indeveloping countries with low hygiene standards and live in publicinstitutions such as student dorms, all are at great risk ofdeveloping a salmonella infection. Moreover, people who alreadysuffer from certain intestinal diseases may find it harder to resistthis bacteria, making it possible to cause more harm than usually.Finally, people with low immunity, or suffering with some immunodeficiency diseasespresent an endangered group as well.
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