The lifestyle of most persons nowadays does not leave muchtime to pay attention to the types of food ingested, which often leads to acompromised digestive system, and in some cases even obesity, heart disease anddiabetes. Those who suffer from various different types of digestion problemsneed to be extra careful when it comes to choosing the types of food which areto be consumed. Different persons may have different experiences with the samefoods, and certain food items require more time to be processed than theothers. Age group can also make a big difference, since most young people haveproperly functioning digestive systems.
What are Easy to Digest Foods?
Foods that are easy to digest are those which pass throughthe digestive system rather quickly. Digestive problems may sometimes occur dueto wrong combinations of food or overeating. All different food categories havedifferent digestion requirements. Vegetables can be mixed with proteins orstarches and carbohydrates. Starches and carbohydrates should not be mixedtogether with proteins. Proteins require acidic environments, whilecarbohydrates and starches require alkaline environments for digestion. Liveand raw foods are much easier to digest than the refined and highly processedfood items. Raw foods are also very efficient in providing the body withenzymes, amino acids, vitamins and essential minerals. Different fruitcategories should not be mixed, if possible. Vegetables and fruits should notbe consumed together because they cancel each other’s beneficial properties.Cooked and baked foods should not present that much of a problem for thedigestive tract, and the same can be said for uncooked fats.
Those who suffer from a compromised digestive system need tosimplify the diet and include plenty of foods which are rather easy to digest. Thosetypes of foods commonly do not contain abundant amounts of fat and fiber. Thosewho suffer from diarrhea need certain food items which are efficient inproviding the strength and making up the lost electrolytes and fluids, mostlysodium and potassium. The preparation of food is equally important as the typesof food chosen. The stomach needs to gradually readjust due to the presence ofdiarrhea. Proper nutrition is very important so it is highly recommended toconsume lots of green leafy vegetables, honeydew melon, grapes, apricots,cantaloupe and bananas. Some other recommended foods include fruit juices,squash, ginger tea, yogurt, cream soups and broths, baked or steamed chicken,carrots, white noodles, rice, dry toast and oatmeal, among others.
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