Ear Pain in Children
Ear is one of our most important vital organs since, other than providing us with the ability to hear, it plays an extremely important part in helping us maintain our balance and walk correctly as well as orient in space. Also, it is a very delicate organ which can be hurt easily, causing numerous dysfunctions as a result. Ear problems manifesting through pain are common for small children as well as children in general. Numerous factors may stand behind this uncomfortable pain, thus giving rise to the necessity of medical assistance in order for the right cause to be found and treated. Therefore, pay attention to any of the symptoms and learn how to recognize ear pain in your children in order to react as soon as possible.
Causes of Ear Pain in Children
The human ear consists of three parts, the outer, the middle and the inner ear. Of all these three parts, the middle ear is most prone to infections causing pain. Namely, whenever your child suffers from cold or a similar condition, there is a high likelihood that excessive secretion will be triggered in his inner ear. Piling up of these excrements make it possible for various harmful microorganisms to develop and breed inside one's middle ear, causing the infection going hand-in-hand with pain and discomfort.
Apart from the middle ear, the outer ear is also prone to getting infected. Excessive water found in the outer ear canals may lead to the development of this infection. Thus, swimmers and those who enjoy immersing their head into the water while taking a bath present the most endangered groups.
Additionally, toothache or throat problems may all result in ear pain since they are all connected in one way or another. Also, a perforated eardrum or too much ear wax inside one's ear canal add on to the list of possible causes. Finally, numerous other causes may be behind ear pain your child experiences mumps, sinus infections and even oral cavity ulcers.
Symptoms and Treatment
Ringing in the child's ear or ears, excessive pain causing him or her to touch or scratch the ear may all be clear indicators of an ear infection or a similar condition. Moreover, fever often goes along with any ear problems. Thus if your child has a fever and complains about the ear, you may be sure that this condition is the problem.
As for the treatment, ear drops and antibiotics usually do the trick. Sometimes, cold or warm compress may help in reducing the pain in the ear. Additionally, olive oil and chamomile extract can both be applied topically in order to soften the impacted ear wax and enable it to be extracted. However, it is best to seek medical attention before trying to help your child all by yourself.
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