Yellow, Sticky Guardian of the Ear
Our ear wax, other than being the sticky, greasy and yellow colored, is also in our ears for some other purposes. Namely, it has a protective role towards our inner ear, making sure no infections happen there. The very surface of the ear wax enables it to capture all potentially harmful substances and prevent them from entering our inner ear. However, the ear wax itself, once accumulating excessively, may be a problem on its own. Too much of this substance in one's ear may cause hearing problems and many other complications. Therefore, in order to truly benefit from your ear wax, you need to keep its quantity optimal, by taking good care of your ear hygiene.
Reasons Behind Too Much Ear Wax
As mentioned above, taken into consideration that ear wax is produced by the glands in our ear, their over-activity may result in too much of this substance. Also, we might make things worse ourselves. Namely, whenever we clean our ears or put things like earplugs in them, we should pay attention not to push the ear wax deposits further inside our ear since this will surely cause problems in the future. Once the ear wax has been moved, it will likely block our hearing and cause many problems related tothis.
Manifestations of Too Much Ear Wax
Although, under optimal circumstances our ear would clean itself. The excessive amounts of ear wax would eventually get dried and pushed out by our jaw movement, getting expelled in the process. However, once this is not achieved, for any of the reasons mentioned above, you are bound to experience some of the following symptoms. Itching and irritation, accompanied with ringing in ears and the sensation of having something trapped inside are usually one of the most common symptoms. Alternatively, you might experience hearing difficulties, or pain in the troublesome areas. Sudden infections are high likely to happen as well.
What Can Be Done?
Firstly you might consider placing a wet piece of fabric over your little finger and then wiping the outer ear with it. If that does not help you, you might want to pour lukewarm mineral water in your ear, wait a bit and then experience your ear wax draining out by itself. Alternatively, hydrogen peroxide or some ear drops may be applied the same way.
Which ever approach you decide to use, you have to be aware that your excessive ear wax may have got all the way near your ear drum. Then, even the slightest additional pushing may cause injuries and hearing loss. Thus, be careful when you clean your ears and when you are using any of these methods of ear wax removal.
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