The skin can be affected by a variety of dermatological conditions. They all cause certain changes of the skin's appearance and the structure. In many cases the skin becomes dry. This dryness can affect large portions of the skin or develop in a form of smaller dry patches. In some cases the skin changes are localized and affect only one body area while in others the skin changes cover the entire surface of the body.
What are causes of Dry Patches on the Face?
The first skin condition that typically leads to formation of dry patches on the face is seborrheic dermatitis. Seborrheic dermatitis is a type of eczema. It generally affects the face and the scalp and develop in a form of scaly, flaky and red patches. It is in majority of cases triggered by environmental, hormonal and immune-system factors. Genetics also plays significant role in the occurrence of seborrheic dermatitis.
Another cause of dry patches on the face is contact dermatitis. In this condition the skin changes form as the consequence of an allergic reaction to specific allergens and irritants.
In people suffering from psoriasis the skin lesions may affect different parts of the body. Even though the most commonly affected are the elbows and knees there is also a chance of formation of dry skin patches on the face. These patches are red and develop as the result of skin inflammation.
There are several more factors associated with the occurrence of dry patches on the face. They include weather changes, cosmetic products, dehydration and the process of aging. It is normal if skin becomes drier during winter months especially if one is exposed to severe and strong wind on a daily bases. Furthermore, certain cosmetic products such as soaps may contain allergens which trigger the formation of dry skin patches. Even excessive bathing may induce drying of the skin and formation of patches on the face. And finally, the skin becomes dry if it is not properly supplied with water (dehydration) and due to process of aging.
Hot to Treat Dry Skin Patches on the Face?
In case dry skin patches on the face develop as the result of some skin conditions once these illnesses are brought under control the skin lesions subside as well. People prone to dry skin can prevent formation of dry patches on the face and help in their elimination with cosmetic products that moisturize the skin and allow the skin to maintain optimal levels of hydration. Vitamin E supplements represent an excellent choice when it comes to healthy looking skin. In case dry skin patches linger one is due to consult a well experienced dermatologist who will suggest the most convenient treatment.
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