The reason why the loss of hair is so stressful is mostlyrelated to the fact that this change affects physical appearance. The reasons couldbe various, but when it comes to putting a stop to this change, it is notalways so easy. Besides, in some cases, the loss of hair cannot be cured. However,before turning to invasive methods of treatment that are widely available, some natural methods shouldbe given a chance first.
Natural ways to regrow hair
Blocking DHT might be one of the possible natural solutions toregrow hair, because this enzyme is the reason why the cells die out. Saw palmettois an herb that can be found very easily and it is known for its ability tolower the amounts of this enzyme, which allows the hair to grow again. Any othernatural method that prevents the accumulation of this hormone will also helpthe hair to grow and stop falling out.Essential oils do stimulate the faster growth of the hair folliclesand it is not a myth. Natural essential oils such as henna, rosemary, lavender andjojoba can be applied freely, without thinking of possible side effects, sincethey will surely not appear in these cases.Diet is another natural way of helping the hair to regrow. Itis very powerful method because if vitamins and other important and necessarynutrients are taken in sufficient amounts, good results are guaranteed. It willcertainly put a stop to shedding or hair loss. Vitamins A, B, C and E are especiallyimportant for a number of reasons. Vitamin A has antioxidant characteristics,while vitamin B makes the hair follicles stronger. Vitamin C is necessary forgood shape of the blood vessels of the scalp, whereas vitamin E contributes tothe natural growth of the hair by promoting blood circulation.Shampoo also plays an important role in stopping the hairloss and helping it regrow because there are those that stimulate circulation,which further results in faster growth of the hair. When choosing a shampoo, itis important to avoid those that contain sodium lauryl sulfate since this ingredient driesout the hair and makes it brittle, which does not help the process of hairregrowth.Still, it is important to be aware of the fact that theresults might take some time before they become obvious, which is normal whenhaving in mind that it takes a month for the hair to grow only approximately 1cm.
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