Absence of color
When a person is experiencing none of the health damaging conditions, illnesses, then his/her urine is quite normally either clear of yellow in color, accompanied by a mild smell of ammonia. But this color can vary and reach the point in which it becomes completely color devoid. This is, of course, an indicator that something has gone wrong, and that this should be looked into as soon as possible. In case the prevailing colors are any shade of pink, or red, this could be a direct consequence and indicator that there has occurred a urinary tract bleeding. And this also requires instantaneous reaction and a visit to the doctor. Once urine becomes milky in color, or cloudy, this is one if the indicators that inside the person’s body kidney stones have formed, as well as a specific bladder infection. In addition, when urine is completely devoid of any shade of color, this can point out to the presence of more severe illnesses such as diabetes, and even jaundice.
There is also another side to the completely clear urine. Namely, at the root of the problem it does not have to be any underlying condition, but the color can simply be affected by what a person consumes on a daily basis, i.e. due to the contents of his/her daily diet.
What is to blame?
Given the fact that there is more than one culprit for the loss of color, those most frequent inducers include intake of a specific food variety, drugs or something similar. But in case a person’s urine losses its color, and this has most certainly not occurred as a direct consequence of a specific type of food a person has been eating, or due to some other external irregularity, then the person in question should as soon as possible pay his/her doctor a visit.
Red/pink urine color – occurs as a direct consequence of the effect of the intake of the specific type of food (beet and blackberries, for example), as well as due to various medications (thioridazine and chlorpromazine), infections (for e.g. of the kidney, or bladder stone, enlargement of the prostate etc), and build up of the toxins in the person’s body. Orange urine color – occurs because of the specific medications intake, or food varieties and food supplements (e.g. those abounding in vitamin C, such as carrots or winter squash) Green urine color – direct consequence of the intake of food such as Asparagus for example, or due to such medications as Phenergan, cimetidine, amitriptyline etc. Brown urine color – due to the increased consumption of food varieties such as rhubarb and fava beans, aloe and due to intake of medications such as primaquine, chloroquine, metronidazole Murky/cloudy urine color – occurs in the greatest majority of cases due to kidney stones and infections of the urinary tractAs far as the children are concerned, discolored urine is the main indicator of a specific urinary tract bacterial infection.
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