White blood cells
Leukocytes, also known as white blood cells, are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system. They are derived from the bone marrow and found in the whole body and the lymphatic system. White blood cells cover around 1% of an adult person’s blood. However, the quantity of blood cells has to be in perfect equilibrium in order to assure good health in a person. For example, the lack of blood cells may cause the body’s inability to resist infections. Inappropriate amounts of blood cells are equally dangerous as the inappropriate position of leukocytes. Normally, kidneys filter blood so that the white blood cells fail to enter into the urine. Blood cells found in the urine, for example, may indicate serious health problems. This condition is known as Hematuria.
Causes of white blood cells in the urine
White blood cells may contaminate the urine either in the urinary tract or on the body’s exterior. The most common causes of leukocytes in the urine are bladder infections, urinary tract infections and kidney infections. In some cases more serious conditions, such as tumors, can result in the appearance of white blood cells in the urine.
A bladder infection can cause the collecting of white blood cells in the urine, fallowed with pain and burning sensation during urination and urine may often appear unclear. Bladder infection is usually caused by disturbances with bladder clearance, sexual intercourse and some pregnancy-related conditions.
Urinary tract infections are one of the most common infections of the urinary system. Blood cells in the urine show up when bacteria enters the opening of the urethra, during a sexual contact or voiding. It is commonly accompanied with burning sensation and pain during urination.
Kidney infection, also known as Pyelopnephritis, originates from the urinary tract. Infection is being spread to the kidneys causing the malfunction of kidneys. Affected kidneys are transmitting white blood cells into the urine, instead of filtering the blood.
White blood cells in the urine result in the urinary tract infection and sometimes, if the urine is contaminated to the great extent, it may result in swelling of the genitals. Leukocytes in the urine may also indicate a presence of some more serious diseases like bladder tumor or systemic lupus erythematosus. The only means of prevention is to avoid urinary system infections to the greatest possible extent and treat them on time and properly.
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