Additives and Preservatives We CommonlyEat
Due to the rise of the food industry,the food produced in the world daily, surpasses traditionalproduction capabilities. However, all this food is to last for quitesome time, while waiting for their buyers patiently, on the shelvesof your supermarket.
In order for this food to be good andfresh, even after several weeks after the production, varioussubstances and chemicals are used for preservation of quality andfreshness. Thus, preservatives are used in order to make the foodlast longer, resisting yeast, mold and other microorganisms which mayspoil it. Additionally, additives boost certain qualities for foodproducts, enhancing their taste, visual appeal and many otherfactors.
Some additives and preservatives arenatural, taken from some vegetables, fruit or other sources. However,there are chemicals which were made synthetically and these are foundin almost everything we eat nowadays.
Unfortunately, many of these substanceshave been proven harmful for consumption since they can triggercancer and many other illnesses. Yet, nevertheless, these are stillthe basic part of everything we eat and we are only to hope that wewill not end up being the unlucky ones after all the supermarket foodwe have eaten in our lives.
Harmful Food Additives andPreservatives
One of the main problems which may betriggered by these substances is the widely present attention deficithyperactivity disorder, mostly affecting children and variousallergies which can also affect individuals due to the exposure tothese harmful food elements.
Additives are known to have causedasthma, vomiting, nausea, hives, breathing problems and tightness inchest, as well as eczema and diarrhea. Certain additives are capableof causing our liver to fail as well as our kidneys, due to highlevels of blood cholesterol they trigger. There are additives whichmay be responsible for birth defects or genetic modification. Many ofthese are capable of causing numerous deficiencies in our organism,which later lead to various diseases.
All this is just the tip of theiceberg. Most additives and preservatives are bad and should beavoided as much as possible. Read the labels on the products andcheck the ingredient lists carefully, choosing products with aslittle of these substances as possible. Finally, you can only benefitfrom opting for organic food, which is incomparably safer andhealthier, even though its costs are a bit higher.
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