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We get exposed to various chemicals every day, since these substances are closely related to our daily lives. However, many of the chemicals that cross are path are considered to be toxic or hazardous in some other ways.

Such substances can be found in the soil, in the air, in the water and, thereby, in our own bodies. As we can see, the world-wide exposure to harmful chemicals has taken its toll and, today, our world is dealing with an increasing exposure to pollution. Logically, this reflects negatively on our health and the health of our planet as a whole.

Many Chemicals are Hazardous

Among all living human beings, children are considered to be the most vulnerable to exposure to harmful chemicals. Moreover, children are more curious by nature and are more likely to get in contact with hazardous substances, touching them or even eating and drinking them. Therefore, the youngest ones are considered to be the group with highest risk of getting exposed to dangerous chemicals and toxins around us.

Unfortunately, such chemicals can hardly be avoided, due to the fact that these are all around us. First of all, if we consider the households we live in, chemicals can be found in detergents, floor and furniture polishes, paints, cleaning solutions and various other sanitary products for keeping our kitchen, bathrooms and all other parts of our house clean. However, these products usually contain various dangerous ingredients such as ammonia, phosphoric acids, lye, chlorine, phenol, formaldehyde and sulfuric acid.

Additionally, such dangerous chemicals can also be present in air fresheners and some items we get in contact with every single day, including markers, glue, paint etc. Taking into consideration that most of these are also in the children's reach, the danger of getting in touch with toxins is even greater.

Still concentrating solely on the household and the items we spend time with under the same roof, carpets, curtains, wall decorations and furniture, all get exposed to chemicals during their production, maintenance and various other processes. Furthermore, when we purchase brand new carpets and curtains, these still contain chemicals which were involved in their creation, many of which can be toxic. Once we bring these into our homes, we get exposed to the same toxins through air and contact.

The stoves and heaters we use might run on some toxic fuels, leading to the production of harmful gases, increasing the levels of dangerous toxins inside our dwelling.

Finally, there are more chemicals where these came from. Basically, the materials we use for building our homes, especially the particle boards, insulation, asbestos and some types of wood may contribute to the toxicity in the air you are breathing. Simply, the more time you spend in such an environment, the higher the chances of developing health problems due to toxin exposures get.

As for the effects which all these forms of toxic exposures lead to, asthma, migraines, dizziness, eye, respiratory tract and skin irritation, cancer or even mortality may all be one of them. The main factors behind the severity of the symptoms are the time of the exposure and the type of the toxic material involved in the process.

Choose the Products You Buy

In the past, people were not aware of the harmful characteristics of the chemicals they used, produced and expelled on a daily basis. However, various studies have revealed the hazardous potential of these substances and, today, there are set standards which specific products need to meet, in order to be legally produced.

Nevertheless, you can rest assured that you are using the right materials in your home by purchasing them carefully. So, when you go to the supermarket, read the ingredient lists on products for your household diligently. Any signs of warning, danger, hazard, caution, poison and similar serve to warn you of the toxic nature of that product. Therefore, if you can achieve the same effect by using a less toxic chemical, make sure you do so.

Additionally, keep in mind that dosage is important and use only as much of a specific chemical as you need. Going overboard will usually prove to be useless, only increasing your own exposure to the chemicals.

Choose chemicals and products which are made from plants, since these are biodegradable and natural, created from sustainable and recyclable sources.

Also, opt for pump-sprayed products instead of aerosol ones, due to the fact that the latter can be inhaled more easily. Finally, keep your house clean and safe from dirt and microbes, buy unbleached, naturally recycled paper and soaps which are not antibacterial. Antibacterial soaps lead to the development of evolved and mutated bacteria, once the current ones become resistant to certain substances used for their prevention.

Educate Yourself

Broadening your knowledge regarding toxins and our exposure to them can be a very good way of preserving your health. There are many natural, alternative ways of keeping your household clean and safe from toxins so make sure you do your own research. For starters, is a great website for these purposes.

All in all, we get exposed to various toxins inside our home, most of which we are not even aware of. Thus, it is very important to bear in mind which toxins can be found in the chemicals we use daily and choose healthier alternatives, promoting health.

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