The Mysterious Power of Copper
Copper is a metal which is below brass,silver and gold, when we are to perceive its quality, preciousnessand overall worth of it. However, even though all the other metalswere available in ancient societies, only copper was worn as a pieceof jewelry usually as a bracelet.
During archaeological researches,copper necklaces, bracelets and other jewelry were found inabundance. Moreover, the same materials were found in manycontinents, originating from different times. This gave rise to themysterious characteristics of copper, and scientists looked furtherinto this metal, searching for any possible medical benefits itswearer might gain. The research results were amazingly positive,since it was discovered that there is more than a single reason forwearing copper next to your body. Read below for the whole list ofbenefits this powerful metal can bring into your life.
The Mystery Revealed
Scientific discoveries have shown thatcopper can relieve people suffering from arthritis from their painand the negative symptoms of this disease. This was proven in morethan 75% of the people tested. This is probably connected with theexcellent conductor powers of copper. Since there is electricity inour body, and the bracelet is near our skin, its easy to understandwhy wearing these types of jewelry may be beneficial.
Next, copper boosts our immune system.Once being on our skin, this organ of ours takes as much copper asnecessary, whenever necessary. This material is capable of producingvarious types of healthy vibrations which are both elemental andmolecular. All these are very good for our health.
Additionally, wearing copper on yourbody will help your formation of hemoglobin and collagen, improvingyour bodily functions and bettering your natural system of curingwounds. Also, it balances levels of zinc and iron in our organism.
Amazingly, many microorganisms on ourskin and in our body can absorb copper and get poisoned. Thereby,copper jewelry is protecting us from these too.
However, this metal can, and willoxidize from time to time, producing green materials which can get onyour skin, subjecting it to discoloration. Nevertheless, this can beremoved with soap and water. Also, by keeping your jewelry clean, youcan stop this before it even happens. Other than that, copper canonly bring good to you and your organism.
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