Medical identification tag is a small emblem worn on the clothes, neck chain or on the bracelet which provides important medical information about the wearer. Usually, information is about important medical condition this person suffers from, and which might be critical to know in certain situations. Emergency staff, paramedics and doctors who respond to emergency calls always look for such tags, in case the person is not old enough or conscious to give complete information about his or hers condition.
Why are Medical Bracelets Useful
Medical alert bracelets are a form of these tags, containing crucial information. At first, diabetic patients were the only ones to use these bracelets, but after a while many people realized how important is to have important medical info handy. These bracelets are very helpful when the medical personnel need to evaluate the patient’s condition very quickly or to resuscitate him/her.
In some cases, not wearing the bracelet might cause further problems. For instance, diabetic patient may fall on the street on a particularly hot afternoon. If he or she is not wearing a medical alert bracelet he/she might be misdiagnosed and treated for the heat shock. Medical staff won’t know that he is in diabetic coma if there is no information about diabetes at hand.
Medical bracelets are also great to ensure proper medical treatment and prevent any potential medical errors when a patient is admitted or discharged from the hospital.
Because of all before mentioned everyone should wear medical bracelets, regardless of their age or medical condition. It is suited for men, women and children of both sexes, too.
What’s on Bracelets
Medical jewelry has an official symbol, known as Universal Emergency Medical Alert Symbol and it can be engraved, red, pink or blue. Additional engravings may include vital information about your medical condition, allergies, specific information for the emergency technicians, your and/or your doctor’s name and contact phone number.
Medical Alert Bracelets as Jewelry
For people wearing medical alert bracelet, it is a life saver and a piece of jewelry at the same time. In case of emergency, there is some life-saving information on the bracelet, but there is no need for them not to be fashionable and cool.
These can be attractive for anyone, and there are plenty of different styles and designer medical bracelets available on the market these days. Choose the one that you like and suit your own personal style. Some are beaded, or they may even have natural gemstones, Swarovski crystals or sterling silver. Children who have chosen their own medical bracelets will show them off to their friends, instead being bullied because of being different.
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