Information on Common Warts
Common warts are local growth on the skin or sometimes even on the mucous membranes of the human body and they are actually infections triggered by the human papilloma virus or HPV. The infected areas of the skin are characterized by small clusters of painless lumps. Numerous different types of warts can be triggered by more than a hundred different strains of human papilloma virus but the skin warts and the genital warts are those which occur the most often. Most human papilloma virus infections are not contagious and a person may get infected only when getting in contact with any type of surface which has HPV on it. The most common types of warts include the common warts (which usually occur on the leg, knee or hand skin), mosaic warts, flat warts, foot warts, genital warts, plantar warts and digitate warts which are also sometimes referred to as the filiform warts.
The common warts have been treated in many numerous different ways ever since the ancient times of mankind. Before the invention of modern medical techniques, the common warts were always treated using a wide array of different homemade remedies. Most home remedies for the treatment of common warts are characterized by acidic properties. Many modern lotions and medicaments for the treatment of common warts usually contain an ingredient known by the name of salicylic acid. Keratolysis is one of the most common types of treatments used as well. It involves the application of medicaments which are very efficient in dissolving keratin. Keratin is a substance which can be held responsible for the formation of warts. Among the newest types of treatment is laser treatment which tends to be among the most efficient options of them all. Warts may also be removed by utilizing a surgical procedure. One may also choose the cryosurgery which involves the freezing of the warts with liquid nitrogen. In this type of treatment the warts simply fall off. There are also numerous different types of herbal treatments which can be used to get rid of warts. Warts alone are not serious at all, but they may sometimes lead to the formation of certain types of cancer if they are left untreated. Prevention may be the most important of the treatment of common warts. One needs to maintain proper hygiene and avoid anything covered with HPV. It is also recommended to avoid contact with persons who are already infected.
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