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Warts are non-cancerous growths on the skin, caused by a viral infection. The most common cause of these skin changes is HPV or human papilloma virus. There are about 100 types of HPV, and they all cause warts on different parts of the body. Public showers and swimming pools are some of the warm and humid areas where HPV can grow. Cuts, scars and bruises on the skin may provide an excellent entering point for the virus, and once its inside, the virus causes warts. Soles of the feet, especially the pressure points on the feet such as the balls of the feet and the heels are found to be very prone to warts. The same non-cancerous growth may develop on your fingers or hands, or in the genital area.

In most cases warts don’t cause any serious damage to the patient, but are usually quite painful. They may hurt when you walk, and those painful conditions should be treated, while other plantar warts don’t have to be. This condition is not contagious, but contact with the warts or blood of the person affected by them can transfer warts to your skin, too.

Even if you have been exposed to plantar warts, you might not end up developing the same condition on your skin. It simply depends on the ability of your immune system to fight against the viral infection. If your immune system is strong enough, you won’t develop the warts. Children and young people are more prone to plantar warts than adults.

Prevent Warts

Warts can be prevented following some very simple rules. First of all, never walk barefoot anywhere wet except on sandy beaches. Your feet should be kept clean and dry at all times. Remember to change the socks regularly, to avoid humidity and warmth the HPV virus loves. Whenever you notice a growth on your skin, consult your doctor to diagnose the change.

How to Get Rid of Plantar Warts Naturally

Castor oil, aloe vera, apple cider vinegar and salicylic acid are the best known natural remedies to cure plantar warts.

Castor oil and baking soda mixture should be applied to the wart over night. When the wart become soft and doesn’t hurt that much, you should scrub it off your skin.

Aloe vera gel is also a remedy that can scrub off plantar warts.

Apply some petroleum jelly on the wart and surrounding area of the skin, and then apply apple cider vinegar directly on the wart. Use medical tape and taped the wart over night, and repeat the process until the warts are cured. Be persistent, because the treatment may last for several days or weeks in some cases.

Salicylic acid cream, plaster or tape should be applied only on the part of the skin affected by warts and left overnight to work. It should be easily removed next morning by pumice stone or foot file. Be careful and throw away the foot file or pumice stone you used for this purpose, because you might transfer the warts to other parts of the body.

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