Overview and facts
Just as with everyfood type and its varieties, so is the case with honey. Aside from those mostfamiliar, there are a number of those less talked varieties, such asthe clover honey. This variety of honey is characterized by a specific butextremely savory and moderately strong taste. One interesting fact is that, onthe US soil, it is produced in much greater quantities than any other speciallyflavored honey variety. Having production in mind, it is acquired by means offeeding the bees with the nectar coming from the fruits of the clover plant. Theextremely aromatic herb in question in turn produces distinct aromatic nectarthat, once consumed by bees, comes out in the form of a honey enriched with agrassy overtone. This variety of honey is mostly employed during cooking andalso as a condiment.
When it comes toacquiring clover honey of most excellent quality, certain factors do play an extremely important role. Namely, the first relates to the time of the year inwhich this honey variety is produced, and this is known to provide for thelavish and savory flavor of the honey. Regarded as the most favorable aresummer and late spring, since during these periods the concentration of moistureis decreasing, which has the effect on the plants making them extremely desirablewhen it comes to the production of nectar. Another extremely important point topay special attention to is the “food” bees are fed on. In the greatest numberof cases, beekeepers tend to control what the bees consume, urging them to takein only the nectar coming from clover. In case it happens that bees haveconsumed some other type of nectar, than this inevitably affects the flavor ofthe clover honey. The last but not the least is the type of the productionprocess, i.e. the procedure itself. In the prevailing number of cases, the honeyitself is pasteurized for the purpose of exterminating all the bacteria andremoving of any existing impurity. On the other hand, this can also affect theoverall flavor of the honey by direct effect on its mild taste characteristics.Because of this, certain people do find it more appealing to consume it in itsraw and natural form.
The honey variety inquestion has been employed as a quite effective natural remedy ever since thetime of Hippocrates, as well as in the Chinese medicine. It is known to possessstrong recuperating characteristics and effects when applied on the wounditself. The fact that it abounds in vitamin C, as well as that it containspotassium, iron and copper, further adds up to its healing potential when it comes to variousinjuries. In addition, this honey variety is known to possess strong anti-agingproperties and is effective in bringing blood pressure to normal.
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