MRSA Infections
MRSA or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus isbacterium resistant to antibiotic medications, such as: penicillin, amoxicillinand oxacillin. In most cases, people get infected with these bacteria bygetting in direct contact with the skin of the person that has already beeninfected. However, there is the possibility to get infected with MRSA if youuse towels or bandages that were used by infected person.
The treatment for people infected with MRSA is not easy,because these bacteria don’t react to common anti-bacterial treatments withantibiotic drugs. Antibiotic don’t work against MRSA because they can’t destroythese bacteria. Under these circumstances, antibiotic medications get changedby the bacteria thus reducing the effectiveness of the drug. The reason behindthis change is in mutation of the MRSA bacteria. Mutations help bacteriadevelop new traits and these protect them from antibiotic medications. Mutatedbacteria grow uninterrupted and eventually there is only such bacterium on whichthe drugs won’t work. Recently, there have been a growing number of bacteria(about 70% of all known bacteria) who are resistant to at least one of theantibiotic that once worked against them.
Natural Solution for MRSA Infections
Manuka honey may be the solution many doctors hoped for,when it comes to treatment of MRSA bacteria. This is the honey produced by thebees, from the plant known as Manuka tree (or Leptospermum scoparicum, inLatin). The plant is known to grow only in Australia and New Zealand, and thebees produce this honey when collecting the nectar from the flowers of Manukatree. The bees add some of their enzymes to the nectar and produce Manukahoney, which is well known to have certain anti-bacterial properties, making thishoney very much different than usual honey, and also quite effective againstMRSA infections.
So far, various studies have proved that Manuka honey can beefficient to treat MRSA wounds that weren’t responding to antibiotic treatment,and because of that it is currently used as wound dressing. There is not asingle bacteria found to be resistant to Manuka honey and not a single case ofMRSA infections that wasn’t successfully treated with it.
Honeymark is the company which uses Manuka tree honey andmakes wound care products. Manuka honey is the main ingredient of all products,ensuring the efficiency against MRSA. There are also other ingredients, likeBenzalkonium Chloride, which is highly efficient against bacteria and approvedby the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) to be used as antiseptic.
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