A Common Facial Problem
Our face is probably the most sensitive part of our skin. This is due to the fact that it is exposed to outer influences most of the time. Thereby, dust, sweat and many other particles may enter the pores on our face, potentially causing problems like acne, blackheads, pimples and other. Our nose is the most endangered area on our face because most of the oil from our organism is expelled there. Thus, whenever these pores get clogged, there is a high likelihood that an infection will take place, triggering some of the skin problems mentioned above. For all these reasons, it is very important to pay adequate attention to your facial hygiene, cleaning your pores on a daily bases. This way, you will prevent all the possible problems of this type from everappearing.
Reasons Behind Clogged Pores on Nose
Overactive oil glands may lead to excessive production of the oily material causing the pores on our nose to get clogged. This is easily caused by hormonal imbalances. Therefore, these skin problems mostly occur in adolescence or menopause periods. However, other factors may trigger this condition as well. Namely, abundance of dead skin cells, poor hygiene, inadequate nutrition, usage of improper cosmetic products like makeup, all may easily lead to the development of various skin problems of this type. Once our pores are closed, our skin breathes with much more difficulties, blackheads and whiteheads are created, possibly evolving into pimples and acne if not treated timely. For all these reasons you need to keep your skin clean and healthy, preventing these problems from ever appearing.
Means of Prevention
You might consider parsley as your basic ingredient for a face cleaning lotion. All you have to do is place it into a bowl and pour boiling water over it. Leave it so until the water is pleasantly warm. Damp a piece of cloth into the water and place it on your face for 15 minutes daily.
As for detailed cleansing of your pores, you may use lemon juice. Apply it onto your facial area, leave it for a while, until your skin is dry and then wash it off with warm water. The lemon juice is to be squeezed from the actual fruit and applied with a cotton swab or similarly. Alcohol may be used for these purposes as well.
Finally, there are numerous skin moisturizers and cleansers available over-the-counter. Therefore, you are advised to use them often and keep your skin clean at all times. Drink sufficient amounts of water since dry skin is very prone to irritation and infections. Do not touch your face often or make sure your hands are clean when you do it. Also, be moderate with makeup and avoid eating too much sugar and food rich in carbohydrates.
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