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Information on Blackheads

Blackheads are tiny black spots on the skin triggered by plugs of sebum and sloughed off cells in the skin pore openings. Blackheads usually appear on the face but they can also appear on the other parts of the body as well. The treatment for blackheads requires a facial scrub two times per day. One can also see the first results after a few months.

Blackhead extractor can remove all blackheads instantly. Professional beauticians and dermatologists use blackhead extractors all the time and a person does not need to consult a professional or be trained in order to use such instrument. It is very simple and it can be used by anyone, at their own homes.

Causes of Blackheads

When the skin produces excessive amounts of oil it leads to the formation of blackheads. Puberty is a period in every person’s life where the skin produces too much oil and inevitable causes the appearance of blackheads. A byproduct known by the name of dihydrotestosterone disturbs the balance of the hormones and the oil glands become overactive so they produce too much oil. The oil clogs the skin pores and it causes the development of blackheads.

Dead skin cells can also sometimes get accumulated in the skin pores. It also may lead to clogging of the pores and the buildup of oil. It is another situation which may lead to the development of blackheads. The development of blackheads can also be associated with excessive amounts of makeup, foundations, sun screens, moisturizes and all similar skin care and other products.

Whatever product or makeup a person puts on the face during daytime should always be removed before bedtime because the skin needs to be perfectly clean. It is also important not to cleanse or scrub the skin too much as it may lead to irritation and certain types of skin anomalies. Skin still needs small amounts of oil in order to maintain its proper health.

How to use Blackhead Extractor

It needs to be soaked in Isopropyl alcohol and left in there for about half an hour. After than it needs to be dried and wiped with a cotton bowl. Some more cotton bowl should be soaked in Isopropyl alcohol as well.

The pores need to be opened by applying antimicrobial soap and hot water. Washing the hands and wiping the face and the hands with clean tissues is a must. The hole of the extractor needs to be pushed firmly over each blackhead in order to pick them all off the skin. The affected areas need to be dabbed with the alcohol soaked cotton balls in order to prevent infections. The face needs to be washed again afterwards.

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