Chlamydia in men
Chlamydia is one of the sexually transmitted diseases,apart from gonorrhea, genital herpes, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS. It is an infection that was named after thebacteria that causes it, Chlamydia trachomatis. This condition is very serious becauseit can impair the sexual organs in men, as well as in women.
Symptoms of chlamydia in men
In the majority of cases, the signs of this diseaseare not much obvious and noticeable. In such cases, when the man who isinfected does not notice it, he can pass the bacteria to his sexual partner. However, chlamydia is a disease that has itscharacteristic symptoms when they appear. It is very important to consult adoctor when the first signs become visible in order to avoid further serious complications. The most common symptom of this infection in men is characteristicdischarge from the penis. In most cases, this happens 15 to 20 days from the exposure to the bacteria. The dischargefrom the penis is usually thick and yellow. Another very frequent and common sign of chlamydia infectionis burning sensation while urinating. Additionally, the man who has thebacteria chlamydia trachomatis may experience pain during urination.
Furthermore, there are cases when swelling oftesticles appears in men who are infected, and it is also very common. The infectedman may notice that his testacies are very tender to the touch and that they areswollen and larger than before. In the cases when chlamydia occurs as the result ofanal sex, the most frequent symptoms are burning sensation or pain in therectal region. Moreover, it is not unusual that the infected person experienceanal bleeding and anal discharge. Chlamydia may be caused also due to oral sex and in suchcases the most common symptom is sore throat.
Chlamydia diagnosing
Once chlamydia is diagnosed, it is treated veryfast. This infection is treated by antibiotics such as doxycycline. It isimportant not to have sexual activity during the period of treatment. Every man suffering from chlamydia should inform all his sexual partners about itin order for them to be tested and cured on time, if they are also infected.
Chlamydia prevention
Chlamydia can be prevented by practicing safe sex. The bestway is to have a long-term partner who is tested and who can be trusted. The otherway is to use condoms. Chlamydia must be taken seriously and treatedpromptly. Otherwise, if left untreated it can be even life-threatening.
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