Gonorrhea belongs to a group of sexually transmitted diseases. It is easily spread through unprotected sexual intercourse. It can be also transmitted from a mother to her baby if the infection is contracted during pregnancy.
Causes of Gonorrhea
The infection is caused by Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a Gram-negative bacterium. Symptoms and signs of infection are a bit different in women and in men. Also, if the infection is transmitted from infected mother to her baby, the disease has a specific course. This is why apart from affecting the genital and urinary tract, bacteria may cause infection of other body parts and organs such as the mouth, throat, eyes and anus.
Gonorrhea in Men: Symptoms and Signs
The incubation period after contracting Neisseria gonorrhoeae lasts between 5 and 30 days. Within this period of time there are no clear symptoms and signs of the infection.
Once they fully develop symptoms in men may range according to the very site of infection. For instance, if the infection affects the urethra, a man usually complains about burning sensation while urinating. There is also green, white or yellow discharge coming out of penis. In case of rectal infection there is also similar discharge and burning sensation or itching in the anal area. Infection of the rectum and anal area may additionally cause bleeding and painful bowel movements. Some men complain about swelling of testicles. They may even experience testicular pain or discomfort. Throat infection may be completely asymptomatic or accompanied by sore throat without additional problems.
Diagnosing Gonorrhea in Men
In order to confirm the infection it is necessary to obtain samples from likely infected parts. So, a doctor may take swabs from the urethra, rectum or throat and perform laboratory analysis. Bacteria can be also isolated from the urine in case of urethral infection.
Gonorrhea in Men: Treatment
Gonorrhea is easily cured. The bacterium can be eradicated with several antibiotics. Still, because of more present bacterial resistance some patients may not respond to certain antibiotics. This is why it is good to prescribe an antibiotic according to the results of the antibiogram.
In people who are additionally suffering from Chlamydia, antibiotics are even more carefully chosen to eradicate both infections.
Gonorrhea in Men: Potential Complications
In men the infection may cause epididymitis, a rather painful infection of the testicular ducts. As a result, particularly if the infection is not treated adequately, a man may end up infertile. The infection may also affect the prostate or even cause scarring of the urethra.
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